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My best Team... (so far)

This is the best team I'm able to make so far in Emerald. Well, get your critisizing hats on...

Typhlosion, Timid, Petaya Berry
Thunderpunch, Flamethower, Focus Punch, Substitute

Any other movesets that you think are any good?

Groudon, Impish, White Herb
Rock Slide, Earthquake, Overheat, Swords Dance

The standard sweeping groudon.

Tyranitar, Hardy, Leftovers
Aerial Ace, Rock Slide, Crunch, Earthquake

I chose a hardy nature so crunch could do some damage. Some people also list the Dragon Dancing Tyranitar. Do you think I should do that?

Lugia, Calm, Leftovers
Psychic, Surf, Aeroblast, Calm Mind

Any moveset suggestons for Lugia, I'm unsure since it has so many possibilities.

Latios, Timid, Soul Dew
Dragon Claw, Psychic, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam

Some people suggest the Calm Mind strategy. I use that with my latias. D'you think I should use Latias instead?

Metagross, Adamant, Leichi Berry
Sludge Bomb, Meteor Mash, Earthquake, Agility

Some think that the choice banding Metagross is more perferable over the Agility using Metagross. What do you think?

There's my team, now lets see if your suggestion can make it any better...


Volcano Trainer OSHI
Latios, Timid, Soul Dew
Dragon Claw, Psychic, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam

Some people suggest the Calm Mind strategy. I use that with my latias. D'you think I should use Latias instead?
Yes, Latias can last longer using Calm Mind and Soul Dew helps Sp Atk.

;380; Latias @ Soul Dew
Adamant Nature
Calm Mind

Calm Mind x2 at the very least, Psychic. Refresh and Recover if attacked during strategy.
Remember: CPU=Moron.

;381; Latios @ Leftovers
Timid Nature
Dragon Dance
Dragon Claw
Ice Beam/Thunderbolt

Choose from Bolt or Beam. Dragon Dance solely for speed. Dragon Claw and Psychic for STAB'd sweeping.


Hyper Coordinator
Use his(^) Latias MS dont use his Latios MS

latios@Soul Dew
Ice Beam
Calm Mind
More like:

Timid Nature @ Soul Dew/Leftovers
Dragon Claw
Calm Mind

For the Lati@s.


prophecy fulfilled
no latias has a different set to latios

latias @ soul dew - calm mind/recover/dragon claw/thunder wave or safeguard is actually the standard latias

oh and surf lugia is stupid


Well-Known Member
I doublt his latios has a bp 70 hidden power fire.