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My critters from my Emerald team...

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Evanji Axu

I've drawn my three favorite members of my team in Emerald.

http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/25851571/ Zelda, my Gardevoir

http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/25851666/ Tika, my Mightyena...holy crap, there's a 666 in the URL...

http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/25851436/ Sly, my Swellow

And here's a real treat for you (be warned, it's PG-11)
http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/25651155/ Duskblade, my lovely dark lady

Well...I know about the half-arsed shading and highlighting and the kind of sloppy coloring. So...enjoy!


Coll! Is that your real emerald Team? i like the last one, Gardeviour? is that what it is?

Evanji Axu

Yeah, those are all part of my real Emerald Team, which also includes Sai the Sceptile, Nami the Azumarill, and Sushi the Hariyama. And clarify the last one. The last pogeyman is a Swellow, and the last pic of all is a Hylian 8D
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