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MY crystal team


Codenumber 242
K here it is!

Croconaw Lv. 31@Sharp Beak
Timid Nature
Aerial Ace

Murkrow Lv. 51@Blackglasses
Impish nature
Faint Attack
Sky Attack
Night Shade

Pikachu Lv. 52@Lure Ball
Shock Wave
Tail Whip
Thunder Wave
Focus Punch

Muk Lv. 53@Spell Tag
Sassy Nature
Shadow Punch
Sludge Bomb
Acid Armor

Bellossom Lv. 54@Poison Barb
Calm nature
Magical Leaf
Swords Dance
Sludge Bomb
Stun Spore

Machoke Lv. 60@Rawst Berry
Vital Throw
Light Screen

Gimme your thoughts.

nasty devil

tHe oNe aNd 0nLy...
It's a good team. Try raising their levels more.


Well-Known Member
OK this is weird. In Crystal there are:

-No natures
-No Shock Wave
-No Focus Punch
-No Shadow Punch
-No Magical Leaf
-No Vital Throw
-No Rawst Berry

What's going on?


New Member
Just guessing but are you trying to impress anyone with a fake pokemon team???


Codenumber 242
No. I just didn't look at their moves properly.

Mse Ownage

Ur Going Down!
omfg comon it is a bad team there moves sucks and there arent lvl 100 and put the right moves in and not moves from other games >.>

* close *


Well-Known Member
Croconaw Lv. 31@Sharp Beak
Timid Nature
Aerial Ace
There is no Aerial Ace in Crystal.Earthquake over Aerial Ace.Surf over Waterfall.Rock Slide over Crunch.Curse over Leer.

Murkrow Lv. 51@Blackglasses
Impish nature
Faint Attack
Sky Attack
Night Shade
Drill Peck over Sky Attack.Shadow Ball over Haze.

Pikachu Lv. 52@Lure Ball
Shock Wave
Tail Whip
Thunder Wave
Focus Punch
There is no Shock Wave or Focus Punch in Crystal.Thunderbolt over Shock Wave.Seismic Toss over Focus Punch.Encore over Tail Whip.

Muk Lv. 53@Spell Tag
Sassy Nature
Shadow Punch
Sludge Bomb
Acid Armor
There is no Shadow Punch in Crystal.Fire Blast over Shadow Punch.Curse over Acid Armor.Explosion over Toxic.

Bellossom Lv. 54@Poison Barb
Calm nature
Magical Leaf
Swords Dance
Sludge Bomb
Stun Spore
There is no Magical Leaf in Crystal.Razor Leaf over Magical Leaf.Sleep Powder over Stun Spore.

Machoke Lv. 60@Rawst Berry
Vital Throw
Light Screen
There is no Rawst Berries or Vital Throw in Crystal.Cross Chop over Vital Throw.Fire Blast over Leer.Rock Slide over Light Screen.

Please,next time make sure you check the moves before posting.Also there is no natures in crystal version.Some electric and psychic weakness.

Pretty good team here.Lots of changes needed though.