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My Deck: Quick Crush (actually, it really doesn't have a name)


New Member
Well, I want to post my deck here, and see how people think about it. I believe all the cards in it are currently legal. Also, I don't have my deck with me, so I'm kind of just trying to remember of the top of my head.

4 Aron (Legend)
3 Lairon (Legend)
4 Aggron (Legend)
2 Pidgey (FR LG)
1 Pidgeotto (FR LG)
1 Pidgeot (FR LG)
2 Squirtle (Crystal)(one that uses colorless)
1 Wartortle (Crystal)(one that uses colorless)
1 Delta Blastoise (Crystal)
2 Mudkip (Crystal)(one that uses colorless)
1 Marshstomp (Crystal)(ground)
1 Swampert (Crystal)(ground)
1 Roselia (Legend)
1 Groudon ex (Crystal)

7 Fighting Energy
4 Steel Energy
4 React Energy
1 Heal Enegy
1 Double Rainbow Energy
1 Rainbow Energy
1 Holon's Magneton (use as energy, not as pokemon)

3 Celio's Network
3 Rare Candy
2 Wally's Training
2 Super Scoop Up
1 Copycat
1 Master Ball
1 Holon Lass
1 Holon Farmer
1 TV Reporter
1 Bill's Matinence

Alright, I just spent 20-30 minutes typing my strategy, and something messed up and it all deleted, and I'm too lazy to type it all up again. Figure it out yourself. So, any comments, questions, complaints?
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New Member
Gee, somebody finnaly posted. Anyway, my deck is changed a little bit now, I'll repost it later. And there's nothing wrong with having 4 Aggrons, it's not against any rules. And the reason I only have 3 Lairons is because I have 3 Rare Candies.