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My desktop wont show

It just shows black.


I try another background but it stays black!


Mush! Mush!
Hiraitos Zero aka OCZ said:
It just shows black.


I try another background but it stays black!
What OS are you using? I'm not terribly sure though but it would be nice for a bit more information.

Hao Kaiser

Aww... Crap.
OS=Operating System

As in, are you using Windows XP, 98, junk like that.


Maybe it's on sleep mode. Try holding the power button down until it goes off, and then press it again.
What do you mean by Background?

You said you tried changing the Background. Do you mean the whole desktop isn't showing up? If so, how about the Taskbar? or is anything showing on the screen?

♪Crystal Mew♪

Mr. ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
press shift alt printscreen

then press it again

this might be your problem

and if it isnt its cool anyways