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my diamond team


christian 4ever
mimiroppu ;428;
jolly nature
ability:cute charm
-jump kick
-mirror coat
-iron tail

floatsel ;419;
modest nature
ability:swift swim
-ice beam
-rain dance

dokurango ;454;
adament nature
ability:dry skin
-rain dance
-sludge bombe
-sicor cross

lefila ;470;
gentle nature
ability:leaf guard
-leaf blade
-hidden power(hvent discove wich one is yet)
-shadow ball

pachirusu ;417;
adament nature
ability:pick up
-iron tail
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Artsy Smeargle
mimiroppu @ lucky egg
jolly nature
ability:cute charm
-jump kick
-mirror coat
-iron tail

floatsel @ mystic water
modest nature
ability:swift swim
-ice beam
-rain dance

dokurango @ left overs
adament nature
ability:dry skin
-rain dance
-sludge bombe
-sicor cross

lefila @ grass plate
gentle nature
ability:leaf guard
-leaf blade
-(grass rope/absorb
-shadow ball

pachirusu@quick claw
adament nature
ability:pick up
-thunder (trust me)
-iron tail

I think thats better corections in bold


Arriving glacially.
jolly nature
ability:cute charm
-jump kick
-mirror coat
-iron tail

modest nature Adamant
ability:swift swim
-surf Focus Punch/Baton Pass
-ice beam Bulk Up/Agility
-rain dance Waterfall/Aqua Jet/Physical Water Attack
-swift Ice Fang
Use Agility with Baton Pass and Focus Punch with Bulk Up. Or, you could just forget about FP all the way, which is what I would do.

adament nature
ability:dry skin
-rain dance
-sludge bombe
-sicor cross

gentle nature Impish/Adamant imo
ability:leaf guard
-leaf blade
-grasswistle Swords Dance
-hidden power(hvent discove wich one is yet) Synthesis
-shadow ball Baton Pass/Scissors Cross

adament nature
ability:pick up
-iron tail
I don't have the games so I'm going out on a whim here. Suggestions in Bold. Those are the only pokemon I really know about off the top of my head, and I don't feel like the other pokemon are worth rating...


Well-Known Member


Active Member

i dont know where u can get a diamond game????


Active Member

can u tell me where???

Cipher Admin Xaos

Dust to Dust
For Floatsel i would replace swift with crunch.
pachirusu is pretty meh imo, if you can replace him with Raichu, or if you're sticking to the '4th generation' pokemon idea, Rentoraa