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My drawings[Mostly gryphons]

Red tailed hawk

I can fly! Can you?
And hi and hi and hi!
I've a crazy sense of humour, don't you agree?
Well, you guys have seen my sprites, some of you have read my stories, but a very few of you have seen my drawings. Only those from The Gryphon's Guild and Norwegian forums have, in fact.
Then I'll show you too!

Things to remember:

-I'm left-handed
-My scanner is a little poor
-I love gryphons! (And you'd better too!)
-I'm terrible at drawing faces
-My drawings, not yours!
-My drawings bite! Hard!

Trick or treat, ma'm?
Seeing the Summoned
Those two drawings have something to do with each others. Guess what =3

Lynx gryphon
With the beginning of a rider on it's back. You'll just have to live with it, 'cause it'll take ages for me to finish the elf...
But I like the pose of the gryphon =3

A character from one of my stories, drawn in a half-hour at school some days ago.

Well, comments?


Well-Known Member
Your gryphs are super!! wery fine work!! GRATZ my opinion: