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My Fakedex drawings!


Well-Known Member
I have a huge fakedex but I only have one at the moment that I have drawn and scanned...
#001 Stumpee (the grass starter for my region).
Species : Tree stump pokemon
Type : Grass
Height : 1'02"
Weight : 11lbs.
Ability : Overgrow
Info : Stumpee is a very mischevious pokemon. It likes to trick people who are travelling in forests by letting them sit on them and then they move away!


Bikdip On A Bus
Hmm, simple, but it works. I could almost see that as a Pokemon. I also like the personality you gave it.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, simple, but it works. I could almost see that as a Pokemon. I also like the personality you gave it.

Thanks for being my 1st poster! After some homework which i'll do in 15 mins i'll do it's evos, Stanches and Darnchez, is my shading good?




it's a little plain, imo.
an evil stump named stumpee....
i like it's expression. i assume it ends up being grass/dark.
because it's a first stage, you can get away with a simple design. just be sure to become a bit more creative with its evos.

good job


Well-Known Member
it's a little plain, imo.
an evil stump named stumpee....
i like it's expression. i assume it ends up being grass/dark.
because it's a first stage, you can get away with a simple design. just be sure to become a bit more creative with its evos.

good job

You figured him out... Don't worry, his final evo is amazing (imo)!


Well-Known Member
#002 Stanches (stumpee's evo)
Type: Grass
Species: Broken tree pokemon
Height: 3'5"
Weight: 37lbs
Ability: Overgrow
Info: Whilst in forests and jungles, Stanches likes to pretend to be a broken down tree. When passers by comes to help the 'tree' Stanches trips them up and runs away.
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Tyranitar trainer

Back for a bit
Are the evos half ghost


Bikdip On A Bus
The second form is a bit too similar to the first imo, but I guess it works. Still, you should give it more scars or something to set it apart. Maybe have it grow some leaves, or have mushrooms on it. Just something to make it more interesting. I await the final evolution.


Well-Known Member
The second form is a bit too similar to the first imo, but I guess it works. Still, you should give it more scars or something to set it apart. Maybe have it grow some leaves, or have mushrooms on it. Just something to make it more interesting. I await the final evolution.

The differences are he has wood blades which become arms and that there is a bigger gap between the leg sections. I'll upload Darnchez later today - got school soon. After Darnchez i'll do the fire starters and it's evos. Heacub, Flear and Pybearate.

Omega Pirate

shove it up ya bum!
Meh, if you hadn't said it was a stump I'd have thought it was a Shuppet with a can shoved up its bottom. I mean, shouldn't a stump have roots?

Omega Pirate

shove it up ya bum!
Well, I mean the shape of the eyes and everything. Very Shuppet like and very plain. I'd also get rid of the arms because they look, well, silly. The 'legs' could stand to be sharper and a bit longer, to make them look more like legs/roots.

Basically the same stuff for Stanches. His head would look a lot cooler if it where jagged, like a hollow stump.


Trains and such
they're alright.... not too bad... a little on the uncreative side... for a starter they're not quite appealing...otherwise, they're alright, like i said..