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my fakemon.... catchy


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i presonally like it
simple...possibly too simple, but kinda funny, too
if you want me to, i can redraw it on paper and scan it...

good job!


Remi|X|ing Time
those r good, considering their on the comp.i hate drawing on the comp too... but these r smart. i never saw some1 create a koffing pre.LOL


Kanto Starter Fan
I quite like your style here. Koffing could perhaps be a bit too simple, although I like your choice of face and the idea of him only having one Chamber. All you really need to do now is give them a bit of shading to stand them out.


Sometimes a bit rude
Ooh, the art itself isn't very good, its very amaturish, and the lack of shading doesn't help, BUT, I love the concept, I may even draw them, because they're pretty cool ^^ (If I see a good pokemon concept, but not very well drawn, or the artist hasn't been able to unleash their plan, I try and do it ^^). Also, take pictures with a webcam/digi cam, that works pretty well too ^^