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My fan-art




Did it on 'em
What program/programs did you make these on? They look very nice and neat for chibi skratches (I think that's what they are... :p). The Eevee itself looks neat, although it has no shading or anything, although I'm sure they're not supposed to...

The backgrounds for the first two lack detail/style: Such as with the Eevee, it's really hard to tell what it's enjoying it's day on. Is it a beach?

Same with Sad Mew. With the focus's changing, it looks kind of cool, but the background is [kind] of crappy it self. It's just a bunch if scribbles... :/

The Lati@s playful pic is very nicly done. The background mixes well with this one.

The second Lati@s pic looks almost like it was a Cut and Paste job... The background lacks needed detail also. Needs major improvements...


the last one is definitely the best imo.
i have to agree that some of the backgrounds are lacking, but i can't draw on the computer at ALL, so i think these are great!

good job