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My fan-made Pokemon

What do you think of my art or Pokemon?

  • They're cool!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • They're okay.

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • They could use some work.

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • I hate them!

    Votes: 1 8.3%

  • Total voters


Chibi no Jutsu!!!!
I made these pokemon a couple years ago and thought that they were really good. People even told me to give it to the Pokemon Company and make it real. Unfortunately, I don't have a scanner or other special art programs so I had to settle with just regular old paint.

This is my first one and it's name is Peckird. It's easy to pronounce than it looks. It's just Peck and Bird put together. I put like 20 min. into making the picture so I hope you like it. I even put some shading in it too!


it's ok
just a little simple. it's a pokemon so you can go wild with creativity.
good job, just try to be more creative


Chibi no Jutsu!!!!
Thank you to the people who commented and gave me their thoughts. I truly appreciate it. Alright, here's another one I made. I think I didn't do it as well as Peckird, but I'm not always good at paint. Anyways, I'll take suggestions on its color since I had no clue to what the color it should be.

It's name is Zephyn which comes from Zephyr and Zepplin. It's just pronounced ze-fin. That's it, it's just spelled weird. It's the evolved form of Peckird and just so you know it has arms now but it has wings attached to it.
Tell me what you think.
It looks great but its legs look weird to me.I think they should be a little smaller.Other than that I don't really see anything bad.^^