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My First Chibi

Do you like my first Chibi drawing?

  • Fantastic

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Good

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • So-So

    Votes: 10 71.4%
  • Bad

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Terrible

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Yumi Yuko

Well, I've discided to post my first drawn Chibi.

I'm kinda pleased with this drawing for my first.
I drew it a few hours ago...
What do you all think about it?
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wow thats your first time drawing chibi style!! Cool...I've never drawin a chibi, so i ouldnt know^^;

Your drawing is very very good especially since its your first time^^
keep up the great work Blaze Girl, i hope to see more^^

Angel Paladin

A Seraph has risen
Oh come on Kaiviti, I know you've at least try to draw chibi.

Blaze Girl, that is a very cute picture. I must admit, you're better at makin' hair than me. My only complaint is the positionin' of the feet. The feet seem to be really warpped. Other than that, this is a great first chibi. I want to huggle it so badly ^_^.

Yumi Yuko

I've drawn other anime people, but I never really tried a chibi person. Thanks everyone! I'll try drawing more chibis to get better.

Yumi Yuko

I used a how to draw chibi book to help me with the body on the first chibi. This next one I drew without help from the book.

Yumi Yuko

Kaiviti said:
Nope, never tried plus i've never drawn one ^^
again great work Blaze Girl
Thanks again.
I tried drawing a Chibi Brendan yesterday...It turned out bad...
I would post more right now, but the scanner is being evil...


It's pretty good for a first try. Keep practicing and don't give up if you're ever unsucsessful. Chibi is really fun to draw. ^__^

Yumi Yuko

Faerie said:
It's pretty good for a first try. Keep practicing and don't give up if you're ever unsucsessful. Chibi is really fun to draw. ^__^
Thanks for the support^^
The scanner's working now, I'm gonna post another chibi later.


gee that's swell
Ummm,they're O-KAY, but the head is Diamond shaped.Round the chin a little bit,but not so much it looks fat.Otherwise,nice work ^_^


Yumi Yuko

Torchic23 said:
Ummm,they're O-KAY, but the head is Diamond shaped.Round the chin a little bit,but not so much it looks fat.Otherwise,nice work ^_^

It's my first chibi, so of course it looks bad. :D

Okay, thanks for the improvments. I'll try to make my next one look better.


Hates his username.
Don't think they're bad, they just need some minor adjustments, tis all.
You'll pick up some ideas if you practice.
And they are indeed good for a first try!
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