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My first ever fake card, My Erureido


Final Fantasy Fan
Well, I love looking at fake cards, so I thought I'd have a shot at it. My first ever attempt:

Ewan's Erureido

Of course, you'll notice immeditaly it has no art. This is of course due to the fact I can't draw, and that Erureido has no art yet in any form. But I didn't post this about the art, I was hoping I could get some feedback and advice about the card itself, like its layout and such.

The only thing I don't like is the retreat cost, it still looks rough round the edges. I think his attacks are a little broken, but trust me, the first attack has been toned down from its original form. Once his English name is revealed, the card name is getting changed obviously.

In case you're wondering, I'm Ewan, so no prizes for guessing what my next few card attampts will be. :p


formerly R. New
The card is fine. But it does look a bit odd without art. It's like the first card with it's pic printed in invisible ink or something.


Furret rocks
The attacks are slightly broken, and it does look a bit odd without artwork...



Final Fantasy Fan
So basically, the only bad things are no art and slightly broken attacks, two things I already knew. Good to know. :)

I was thinking about using his in-game sprite as a place-holder for his art, but I don't know if that would look even weirder.

Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
If you want a picture, search something like Google, AOL or deviantART.

Oh, and Erureido's officially-romanized name is Erlade.


Final Fantasy Fan
Oh, and Erureido's officially-romanized name is Erlade.

Actually, I heard the much more reasonable Elblade (Elbow-Blade). But I don't use official romanization, I'd prefer to use the official translation, because I'm stubborn like that.

As for googling it, the though had crossed my mind, but I doubt I'll find any pictures. But if I do, I'll give you a shiney penny. :)


Blaziken rules!
It's beautiful!!!

Cascade of the Sky

Cascade Gonpory!
look great Eruraido is kirlia's evo yeah!?! im guessing im not sure of these new pokemon names yet! hehehe


Creepy Coney Man :)
I think Eruriedo's English name is Elblade. (Well that's what I heard on Pokebeach.com). It is good, whenever I make fake cards on my computer, I don't put the art on it at first.