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My first ever fake cards!


Well-Known Member
These are my first 3 fake cards, cos im new!
first is my own made up one (Zubaii) ;344;
then unown (CA) ;201-m;
and finally, missingno (from red&blue version) ;078;


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Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
There's no link to them.

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
You have to upload them to an image sharing website like photobucket and make a link to the pics. (You have to create an account)


Well-Known Member

i said please don't be mean! i'm a first time card faker, i only joined these forums a day ago and i was using microsoft paint, so just chill


Deadly Sinner
If you say "Don't be mean" then no one will comment, as the only responses you are going to get are "Those are bad". It is very hard to fake well using paint, so try to get photoshop or perhaps GIMP (Google it).
Have a look at the tutorial as well.

the legend master

Well-Known Member
im only that good and i dont have any of that crap


God is a DJ
Hieroglyph not hiroglyph.

Use capitals for Hidden power attack and for the Poke Power, Use capitals in the desciptions and pokedex entrys and don't start a sentence with 'Because'.

Rating 2/10

1 mark for being new and the other mark for sympathy.


These are my first 3 fake cards, cos im new!
first is my own made up one (Zubaii) ;344;
then unown (CA) ;201-m;
and finally, missingno (from red&blue version) ;078;


cool baby zubat but a pokemon with a 4 part evolution line no but cool


Well-Known Member
I like the idea for a baby Zubat and those cards are alright except i can't see the Missingno on (which i really wanted to see)

17/20 (combined score for the Unown and Zubii cards)