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My First Fake Card...


Memories in the Rain
Umm.. Today I tried making my very own fake card, and I think it turned out kinda well, I hope you all can comment and suggest on how to improve it. Thanks in advance.

Yeah, the CharSerpent was entirely drawn. I know the text was not the correct one; just wanted to add some sparkle to it. :)


Le Poke. *pokes*
Well I see somethings wrong!

First, those aren't the official TCG icons!
Second, wrong placement!
Third, wrong fonts!

But the card is cool! So I'll give it a 6/10!


I don't know!
looks awesome! what QFred said of couse, but who cares? 9/10


Judges confer!
*pokémon huddle around me and we all murmur rapidly*
Well, the marks:

;123; 8 The name takes off: it's a little too blatant. And those were the wrong fonts
;383; 9 What Scythrower (that's the ranting scyther above me) said about the name. I realize [stern-7]that the fonts were intentionally wrong[/stern].
;386; It's a
;383; The PESSIMIST!!! drumrollplease
;386; 6
;386; Because there are 4 baddies.
;383; Oh... *slowly backs off*
;386; I'll tell you them while completely ignoring Shattergrounds (the exclusive groudon above) and introducing myself. Hi. I'm Cyberspace. Welcome to Staples! Now go away and leave me alone...
;rukario; Cyberspace (the deoxys kind enough to introduce himself) has that sense of humor that attracted me here.
;386; Thanks Rukario. Leaf energy is called Grass Energy, Energy Blast is a ripoff, the title is blatant-
;rukario; That really seems to take off points everywhere, eh?
;386; No one asked your opinion. And the picture and title have no similarities. It's called Charserpent, but it's a Grass type and is bipedial.
;197; 7. Same baddies as Cyberspace, but you get an extra point for having it so good for the FIRST TRY! I'm Darkheart (NO THAT NAME WAS NOT STOLEN FROM POKEMON REVELATION CROSS OF FATES) and you get the EXCEEDING EXPECTATIONS AWARD for... well, exceeding expectations.

All in all, your score is...
7.5 PLUS(+) 1.0 points for the Exceeding Expectations Award from 1 Judge
Final score... 8.5 (85%)
VERY GOOD for first try. Do things differently (like think of creative names and make the picture fit the name or vice versa) and you'll get even higher ratings from my team and I. WHOOHOOOO!!!

;197; Be warned, Cyberspace is very picky! With all due respect, X_secretOrre_X

Master Ein

Don't spam.I think it's very cool for a first atempt.You should try to do other types of card.^^

Hip-Hop Master

OK, Now MY judges:


;006;: OK This is ...8.5

;058; What! This is a 6.9

;054; Nope its a 10!

;058;Hah! Loser..


ok I rate it a n 8.5/10

its good


Don't rate if you don't know how to make. kthxbi

Meh, the power is broken. One energy would be better. It is not leaf, it is grass. Incorrect symbols, correct ones found at PPN (link found in stickies). Read the tutorial at the top of the forum and you'll get better.

Hip-Hop Master

Master EIN... why are you reportin' me?

What, I rated it... its just another form which some people don't seem to get....

Elite Champion

er.... u can't use lyk more than 2 pkmn icons in your post
now that card is very well created and make the fonts to the right fonts and sizes overall 8/10

Kyrouge Masta

Oh my sweet jeasus...

Ok, here's a proper rating...

Placing: 7/10
Orginallity: 10/10
Brokenness: 5/10
Ussablitly (i.e. to many enerygy types): 9/10
Grammer: 10/10
- points: -4 for incorrect font
+ points: +4 I like the font anywayz!
Totals: 41/50 (82%) 8.2/10

Total: 8/10

King Shuckle

Don't be daft
Lol. "Leaf."

I hate smiley abuse. Ugh. As for the card, wrong fonts, symbols, and such. Placement is needed too. It's a cool-looking card and all, but cards like these are reserved for contests and such. Trust me, you'll get a lot better reviews if you make the cards by how the tutorial dictates.
