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My First Fan Art used MS Paint

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Flying Tropius

My FanArt made in MS Paint

Isn't he cute? my first art don't bash me with negative critisism plz ;037;
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Well-Known Member
I dont get it. Seriously, what is that?
Sorry to come down hard, but it's not that good. I just dont see what are you trying to show; legs or a pokeball.

Flying Tropius

it is a sealo and there is someone on shore and there is bucket of magikarps
seals like to balance balls on there nose and thats about it


Interesting that you did that on paint. The best I ever got was a bunch of scribbles.


Oddish plzkthnxbai

Try to never use those colours. They're to bright and it gives the viewer a feel of lazyness about the artist.

Flying Tropius

I used edit colors and here are my new works

quick attack

basically are like the same thing
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.:Ilex:. said:

Try to never use those colours. They're to bright and it gives the viewer a feel of lazyness about the artist.
Actually, I rather like the pastel blue (fourth from right, top).

Ontopic, the first one is cut out. All we see is Sealeo, feet and a sheet of ice. It was saved as a jpeg, a downside, but I see your new one is a PNG. Good stuff. For stuff made in MS Paint, it's really good. Same goes for Scyther. I mean, you're using Paint's tools, right? Pixel art, spriting, etc. can be done in Paint, but for your style of work, not everyone can do that.

Flying Tropius

This isn't good as the scyther but...... here is how annoying TM32 is

another edited scyther pic

shiny grovyle using leaf blade on speed back ground

Review please
Edit: Swellow Portrait made
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Snorunts and Swellow are very nice, esp. for Paint.

However, does no-one read the rules?! No more than 3 outside pictures in your signature! You have 7!

Flying Tropius

ok I fixed the sig now I made a tauros

don't taunt me with that stupid cape!

I have to say that the Swellow is my most difficult yet best accomplishment yet!
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Flying Tropius


Blue finds out that enraging even baby tauros are devastating
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Hmmmm the pictures are pretty good but you need to put more detail in your pictures because some are hard to figure out what they are, also, you need to make your creatures more of the real size the Tauros are way to small.

Flying Tropius

I've noticed....well it was my first attempt to put a human being inside
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Flying Tropius


I made a picture with shiny swello fighting Missingno (didn't use much effort)


My Heads Exploding!!
Its good...But don't double post.
I know if you want to post art and no ones replied to your last piece you should edit the post the last piece was in!

Aikou Bupiggu

Well-Known Member
It took me ages to see what this was, then I realised the pokemon had the ball on it's head/nose... I thought it was one of them stands in the pokemon contests....

Flying Tropius

Lol first attempt don't put it pass me here is my new work an absol!

come on people review! It makes me think my work is appreciated
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Flying Tropius

sigh I wish I can have someone to review my work.
It is like 2 days away so I don't think it is double posting is it?
Theard is almost dead I have done all I can to revive it. I cannot to risk to post in succession any more
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Not a Seadra
Okay, the double posts with art were fine, but that was uncalled for.
On Topic: Paint is hard. o.o But I always use it, 'cause it's all I have.
Blue looks deformed. Sorry, but she does.
I like the Swellow. Best you did.
More detail would help. Also, work on your proportion (sp?).
On a final note, don't use the line tool (some look like you did) and keep it up!
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