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MY first Fusion sprite


Shiny Hunter
its a Scythering!!!!!

thx for the merging thing sweet may

ill remember to do .png next time
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Well-Known Member
Its pretty good for a first sprite.

My main advice is when you're saving future sprites, you'll notice you can choose which file type to save them as, and pick the one labeled png.

You picked jpeg., which messes up the pixels, as I'm sure you'll notice if you copy that current sprite into paint.

Can't wait to see more!


I stay noided
First of all: don't make another thread for another sprite, just put this one on your first thread next time.
About the sprite: welllll, it needs work. All you did was put catcurne's hat onto an Alakazam and then recolor it. you should probably shade under the right of the hat.
also, you saved in jPeg, which screws up the quality, and it has WAYYYY too much white background, you should crop the image.
It's pretty good for a beginner though :D


Specialist Operator
Ok, I guess I'll be the first to crit this.

Firstly, NEVER save as .jpg. With MS Paint (where most people make sprtes), the quality it saves .jpg as, it ruins the quality of the file, and "fuzzes" it something horrible. From now, remember to save as .png as it gives you nicer quality, as well as the ability to hold an alpha channel, which helps create transparency.

Secondly, use an image host site like Photobucket to upload your sprites. Much easier than attaching the file.

Thirdly, NEVER resize a sprite. Mainly because it can distort the sprite, and ruin it's aspect ratio. You want the pixels to be even, and you don't want some pixels looking wider than others.

Fourthly, if you had a first thread, I would've suggested subscribing to your thread so you won't lose the link. But if it was removed, then starting a second thread is ok. keep this in mind for next time.

Anywho, proper crit. All I can see that you've done is stick Cacturne's hat onto an Alakazam, and then recolour Alakazam with Cacturne's colours. Noting one problem is that the hat overlaps the spoon, which would suggest the hat comes out in front of most of it's body, which would suggest the hat is huge. The shading near Alakazam's head where the hat is sitting should've been changed to give the look of it actually sitting on his head. So, take this crit and work on your spriting skill.

Practice makes perfect.