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My First Recolours!


r u not entertained
These are my first ever recolours. They took me about 5 minutes each.



r u not entertained
Got a new one, its a Tropius with Umbreon colours.


I'll try a revamp, any pokemon in-particular you'd like to see?


Oh noes, toast =O
For recolours,they're nice, but really, i think you'd be better off trying something a little harder. A revamp eh? Well...Silver version Charmeleon, as that was my first revamp =)


r u not entertained
Ok, Charmeleon, Silver style! I'll try, not got much time 'cause I have to go out but I'll try.

EDIT: I did Charmeleon and Umbreon, take a look :

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r u not entertained
Yeah good point. They were kinda easy, might try a different revamp a little harder.


Tastes like chicken!
The recoulours are good, nice colours
The revamps are also good just shade them in a bit more, Maybe have a go at a harder revamp or have a go at a devamp. Keep up the great work!


New Member
Try fusing next as I find them easier than revamps.


r u not entertained
Thanks for all your comments. Any ideas on a harder revamp and a fusion. i'm currently doing a Porygon 2 revamp.

EDIT: Here it is, I don't really like it 'cause it has a solid black outline. May edit it once I get more skilled. here be Porygon numero due.

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r u not entertained
Which shall I use as the base, Mew or Mewtwo?


r u not entertained
I used Mew as the base. It's quite simple, but I like it, it's cute :D All I cahnged was the tail and ears.

Here it is:

cute ^.^
it would be cool if it had the tube thing mewtwo has... conecting its head to it back... o_O now that i think about it the tube is weird. but its a cute sprite!
how about lugia and mewtwo next?


r u not entertained
Is it possible to change the name of your thread. 'Cause I wan't it to be called kaka8's Sprite gallery or something instead of My First Recolours!

I'll do my best with the LugiaxMewwtwo mix, and the other way round MewtwoxMew. Not sure what to change with the MewxMewtwo mix though.

PS. They might be a bit harder 'cause I only have Paint :p

EDIT: I did LugiaxMewtwo. It was tough, hardest yet. i came out with three designs.

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