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My first scratch


Ranger Boy
I know the pose sucks but bare with me, it's a first



Pokemon Trainer
Thats very cool. You did a good job on it. Is better than what I can do.


Ranger Boy
Flying type^ pure flying type. Hmm... maybe it does need more color. Not sure what to do with it. Any sugestions?


Chaotic Dreamer
More colour for sure, or at least darker shadows. And what is it? You can't tell what it is other than a head with wings on a body with things falling beneath it... Legs? Its really difficult to tell becuase of the light outlines and shading.
Please know that Im not trying to sound mean with this, only trying to help. Try darkening the shading and more clearly defining the leg parts and then see what it looks like, eh?

Edit: No, please don't study D/P sprites. First off, their shading isnt the greatest. Alos, their poses are pretty complicated. Try looking at FR/LG sprites.


Ranger Boy
Thanks for all your help^ it's name is Airady. It's feet are clouds. I knew I should of made the outline darker. Me and my friend made it up. Well back to Square.. 2 I think