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My first scratch

This took me 2 hours

Type: Dragon/Ice
Ability:Lavish Scale(Raise SP.def when status condition)
Location:Evolve Feebas with max Coolness
- Water gun
5 Bind
10 Hail
15 Refresh
20 Twister
25 Dragon breath
30 Recover
35 Haze
40 Meteoric Swarm
45 Light Screen
50 Safe Gaurd

Egg moves:
Mirror Coat
Mud sport
Dragon breath
Confse ray
Light screen

Its pretty sucky, but its a first scratch.
Please send feedback.
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Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
It's pretty good. What's its name? Type? Details? Sorry, I just really like it.


C Spriter
looks like the tail covers part of the ear.


Staff member
The shading on it isn't very good. You need to add more dark shade all over the body on the parts light isn't shining on, and add light shade on the parts on the parts where light is shining. Use some serpent Pokemon like Milotic and Arbok for reference on how you should shade.

Your outlines are very choppy as well. When you change from a line of single pixels to a line of more than one pixel, you should always have a two-pixel like in between the two to make it look smoother.
The shading should be more curvy, it's very straight.


Tastes like chicken!
Its quite good, you just need to shade it in a bit more on the tail and under the head, other than that I really like it.