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My first Sprites


jhoto moto

Awsome sprites is this really your first time although the shading on the first two seems a little off
Look alright, but still some elements there of cut and paste. Work on the transitions between the different sprites being combined. 6/10


Wooo-wah wah
For a first, your using some pretty difficult pokemon, like Clamperl, Cloyster and Porygon. Armaldo and Crawdaunt are difficult to work with also.

Work on your shading and outlining for one. Look at Absol/Skar for a second, I love the idea with the feets, but the connection isn't good and you didn't recolour.

The Machamp/Dusclops is your best, but the upper body/shoulder area seems meh.

Emo Saria

Be my Penguin <3
good work, these could use a little adjustments but otherwise, pretty good :)