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My FIXED team (movesets!)


Life sucks, man.
;254; Sceptile (Lvl 99)/ ;003; Venusaur (Lvl 92), ;384; Rayquaza (Lvl 76)/ ;018; Pidgeot (Lvl 41), ;144; Articuno (Lvl 50), ;146; Moltres (Lvl 50), ;380; Latias (Lvl 40), egg/Pokémon with Exp. Share


Sceptile, Venusaur: my starter
Rayquaza, Pidgeot: Fly
Articuno, Moltres, Latias: Battle Frontier
Sometime I swap out Articuno, Moltres, and/or Latias for a Pokémon with Cut/Surf/Waterfall/Strength/Rock Smash/Dive/Flash

Sceptile: Solarbeam, Giga Drain, Double-Edge, False Swipe
Venusaur: Frenzy Plant, Solarbeam, Giga Drain, Bullet Seed
Rayquaza: Fly, Extremespeed, Dragon Claw, Hyper Beam
Pidgeot: Fly, Wing Attack, Featherdance, Quick Attack
Articuno: Blizzard, Agility, Ice Beam, Mind Reader
Moltres: Overheat, Endure, Agility, Flamethrower
Latias: Thunder, Mist Ball, Psychic, Refresh

And yet, I only ever battle Pike Queen Lucy (but I'm 7 wins away from battling Factory Head Noland...)


Well-Known Member
*runs to a corner and vomits* those movesets are REALLY bad.

Venusaur:Frenzy Plant(If you must. If not, use Razor Leaf.), Sludge Bomb, Body Slam, HP Electric

Sceptile: Leaf Blade, Dragon Claw, HP Ice, Crunch

Articuno: Mind Reader, Sheer Cold, Ice Beam, HP Flying

Latias: Thunderbolt, Psychic, Recover, Refresh

Moltres: HP Flying, Overheat/Fire Blast/Heat Wave/Flamethrower, Endure, Agility

Rayquaza: Dragon Claw, Extremespeed, HP Flying, Earthquake

Pidgeot: HP Flying, Faint Attack, Featherdance, Quick Attack

Just suggestions, but PLEASE lay off of the Hyper Beam-like attacks.

Obiwan Shinobi

hypr beam sucks, as does ohko.

Articuno: Heal Bell / Rest / Sleep Talk / Ice beam
Venusaur; Sludge Bomb / Sleep Power / Leech Seed/ Synthesis
Sceptile: Leech Seed / Sub / Leaf Blade / Thunderpunch
Latias: Calm Mind / Dragon Claw / Safegaurd / Recover
Moltres: Sunny Day, Flamethorwer / Hidden Power [Grass] / Toxic
Pidgeot: Aerial Ace / Return / Steel Wing / Quick Attack


Diljabar said:

I had to get that out.

Sceptile: Solarbeam, Giga Drain, Double-Edge, False Swipe

Wow does that set suck.

Leaf Blade
HP Ice
Brick Break

Normally the last slot would be Focus Punch, but prediction doesn't work well in BF.

Venusaur: Frenzy Plant, Solarbeam, Giga Drain, Bullet Seed

You need a revamp.

Razor Leaf
Leech Seed
HP Fire
Sleep Powder

It will work well against Lucy.

Rayquaza: Fly, Extremespeed, Dragon Claw, Hyper Beam

That just scared me.

Dragon Dance
HP Flying
Rock Slide

It's a nice copy of DDmence.

Pidgeot: Fly, Wing Attack, Featherdance, Quick Attack

You lack a set here. That's why we RMTers are here to help.

HP Flying
Steel Wing
Quick Attack

QA will actually come in handy in a handful of situations.

Articuno: Blizzard, Agility, Ice Beam, Mind Reader

Meh, Articuno has no real set anyways.

Moltres: Overheat, Endure, Agility, Flamethrower

What's with both Overheat and Flamethrower on the same set?

Sunny Day
HP Electric

Moltres is a good Sunny Dayer.

Latias: Thunder, Mist Ball, Psychic, Refresh

"We need the cleanup crew in Aisle 9..."

Calm Mind
Dragon Claw

It's not that hard.

And yet, I only ever battle Pike Queen Lucy (but I'm 7 wins away from battling Factory Head Noland...)
Comments are in bold.


you amaze me.
There are too many flying types in there...you should have a more balanced type range on your team....my seggestion is get some Electric types...Water(or ice)...Fire... I know you have those but without the flying type in them....

Diamond and Pearl
Diljabar said:
;254; Sceptile (Lvl 99)/ ;003; Venusaur (Lvl 92), ;384; Rayquaza (Lvl 76)/ ;018; Pidgeot (Lvl 41), ;144; Articuno (Lvl 50), ;146; Moltres (Lvl 50), ;380; Latias (Lvl 40), egg/Pokémon with Exp. Share


Sceptile, Venusaur: my starter
Rayquaza, Pidgeot: Fly
Articuno, Moltres, Latias: Battle Frontier
Sometime I swap out Articuno, Moltres, and/or Latias for a Pokémon with Cut/Surf/Waterfall/Strength/Rock Smash/Dive/Flash

Sceptile: Leech Seed, Leaf Blade, Substitute, Thunderpunch
Venusaur: Sludge Bomb, Sleep Powder, Leech Seed, Synthesis
Rayquaza: Dragon Dance, Aerial Ace, Earthquake, Rock Slide
Pidgeot: Return, Aerial Ace, Steel Wing, Quick Attack
Articuno: Rest, Substitute, Ice Beam, Reflect
Moltres: Sunny Day, Substitute, Toxic, Flamethrower
Latias: Calm Mind, Dragon Claw, Thunderbolt, Recover

And yet, I only ever battle Pike Queen Lucy (but I'm 7 wins away from battling Factory Head Noland...)

You didn't list natures or held items... Starmie > your team.

deoxys_attack_mode said:
Just suggestions, but PLEASE lay off of the Hyper Beam-like attacks.

LOL. Hypocrite.



Really, any poke with a Boltbeam of any sort kills this team. My Alakazam > This team.


Life sucks, man.

Well I got Sceptile and Venusaur up to Level 100 but did not change their movesets. Oh well they kick ***** anyway. Articuno accidently grew (is that possible?) to Lvl. 51, eliminating it from my team. (BTW I don't want to wait 4 Sheer Cold and its probability is too low for the BF anyway) Moltres is alright and the reason it has both Overheat and Flamethrower is 2-fold:

1. Moltres has [SPOIL]Fire Spin[/SPOIL] when you catch it. [SPOIL]What a pathetic move![/SPOIL] I saved Overheat to replace that so I have 2 powerful attacks from Moltres! A 1-2 punch if you ask me!

2. When you NEED the extra power for 1 shot that HAS TO COUNT, Overheat does the trick (i.e. a Milotic with just a few more HPs than Flamethrower can take off– I found that out the hard way >_<)

Thanks for the advice, but the Elemental Hyper Beams are unique to the 3rd gen. games and I wanted to see them in action!

On the bright side, you may have noticed that I actually did manage to defeat Lucy. After losing Articuno I trained my Swampert up to Lvl. 50 and, with only 89 EXP. left before Lvl. 51, I took it to the Battle Frontier. Before you go critiquing its moves, note that Muddy Water took care of Shuckle, and a critical Earthquake move knocked out Milotic, giving me the victory!!!! (Seviper is a pushover:))

;260; Swampert: Muddy Water, Earthquake (TM), Dive, Mud Shot

Yeah, Mud Shot's whimpy, but I'm waiting for a better move. Any suggestions? (Peferably a Ground-type move to match)

I lost a chance at Noland with only 2 wins to go but I am currently on the brink of a 3rd run-through at the Pyramid and a shot a Pyramid King Brandon with the same team (Swampert, Moltres, and Latias). Wish me luck!


2. When you NEED the extra power for 1 shot that HAS TO COUNT, Overheat does the trick (i.e. a Milotic with just a few more HPs than Flamethrower can take off– I found that out the hard way >_<)
What if you need it for more than 1 shot? Or are short on options because you wasted 2 move slots on 2 same-type moves? Your logic fails.
Thanks for the advice, but the Elemental Hyper Beams are unique to the 3rd gen. games and I wanted to see them in action!
Oh! That's okay then! Use them once, gasp in awe, then replace them. :/
and a critical Earthquake move knocked out Milotic, giving me the victory!!!!
Yeah, Mud Shot's whimpy, but I'm waiting for a better move. Any suggestions? (Peferably a Ground-type move to match)
Ice beam. Surf over dive, curse over muddy water.


Life sucks, man.
Swampert originally had Surf and Muddy Water. Both have the same power and only differ in accuracy. Besides, I have 4 Pokémon with Surf already. 5 is just overkill and only Swampert learns Muddy Water.

Moltres starts with [SPOIL]Flamethrower[/SPOIL]. It was already there– I just left it!

I have never seen Razor Leaf knock out Mewtwo in 1 hit like Frenzy Plant. Nyah.

Ice beam. To replace Mud Shot? When did Ice Beam ever knock out a Lvl. 50 Seviper in 1 shot?
Curse over muddy water. WTF? I am an attack person! I can't leave myself open for 1 round! Besides, my Swampert has pathetic speed thanks to its nature– I can't risk it!


Swampert originally had Surf and Muddy Water. Both have the same power and only differ in accuracy. Besides, I have 4 Pokémon with Surf already. 5 is just overkill and only Swampert learns Muddy Water.
Surf>Muddy water. We came to rate your team, not to give your pokes cool-looking attacks.
Moltres starts with Flamethrower. It was already there– I just left it!
Get rid of overheat then. 2 same type attacks is "just overkill", as you would say.
I have never seen Razor Leaf knock out Mewtwo in 1 hit like Frenzy Plant. Nyah.
Says the person who's fool enough to face a poison type off against a mewtwo. :/
Ice beam. To replace Mud Shot? When did Ice Beam ever knock out a Lvl. 50 Seviper in 1 shot?
You have earthquake.
Curse over muddy water. WTF? I am an attack person! I can't leave myself open for 1 round! Besides, my Swampert has pathetic speed thanks to its nature– I can't risk it!
You have surf, no need for muddy water. If it's speed is bad, all the better- let it keep falling lower. Stop complaining!

Unknown Shadower

......Pokèmon is not for cool looks, when you battle it's for damage, hyper beam type attacks leave yourself open for one turn.Yer, you take looks over damage n some cases, thats a VERY bad thing in Pokèmon.

Hyper beam type attacks suck unless you use them wisely.
Hyper Beam-like attacks suck. Period.

Diljabar, an all-out attack strategy does not work. You should download and play Netbattle to find out why that doesn't work. You'll eventually find out... the hard way.
Diljabar said:
Lay of with the smilies,Spammer

Emerald (..............wow)

Sceptile:Leaf Blade,HP Ice,Thunderpunch,Dragonclaw

Venusaur:Toxic,Leech Seed,Attract,Razor leaf/Magical leaf

Rayquaza:Dragon Dance,Dragon Claw,Rock Slide/Areial Ace,Earthquake

Pidgeot:Areial Ace,Steel Wing,HP Ground,Faint Attack/Agility/Feather Dance

Articuno:Toxic,Haze,Ice Beam,Steel Wing/HP Water/Water Pulse/Blizzard

Moltres:Steel Wing,Toxic,Sky Attack,Overheat

Latias:Psychic,Refresh,Ice beam,Tbolt

Last thing.Get a dam Water type

Suggestions in bold