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My friend didn't listen to me.


He tried stealing a Friend Bow in a Keckleon Shop in Joyous Tower. He got owned :p. Also, when he got back to his base, all his items turned into Plain Seeds lmao. At least he saved the trouble of selling all those seeds since when you faint in a dungeon and go back to the base, most of your items are gone. :D

He never listened to me because he thought I was crazy.

[Paper Snow]

MNU spreads lies
And that is why when you're on a floor with a Kecleon Shop that has an item you want, you locate the stairs, use a Trawl Orb, get the items, and then run like there's no tomorrow.


you know why im here
[Paper Snow];4620895 said:
And that is why when you're on a floor with a Kecleon Shop that has an item you want, you locate the stairs, use a Trawl Orb, get the items, and then run like there's no tomorrow.
good idea ill try that


< That's me! Hello!
He tried stealing a Friend Bow in a Keckleon Shop in Joyous Tower. He got owned :p. Also, when he got back to his base, all his items turned into Plain Seeds lmao. At least he saved the trouble of selling all those seeds since when you faint in a dungeon and go back to the base, most of your items are gone. :D

He never listened to me because he thought I was crazy.

He's not the only one. My friend's brother played the game and stole from Keckleon, he got owned too, lol.


He tried stealing a Friend Bow in a Keckleon Shop in Joyous Tower. He got owned :p. Also, when he got back to his base, all his items turned into Plain Seeds lmao. At least he saved the trouble of selling all those seeds since when you faint in a dungeon and go back to the base, most of your items are gone. :D

He never listened to me because he thought I was crazy.

I successfully stole a friend bow from the kecleons in joyous tower with the ol' trawl orb by the stairs trick. :) Works quite well.. You just have to be quick because the kecleons come at you fast.


I successfully stole a friend bow from the kecleons in joyous tower with the ol' trawl orb by the stairs trick. :) Works quite well.. You just have to be quick because the kecleons come at you fast.

Yeah it's like a Speed Deoxys. Auto double speed. Stop tempting me to do that Trawl Orb trick T_T. It reminded me of a horrible event:

Zapdos used Trawl Orb.
All nearby items came close!
Zapdos picked up Protein.
*Enters room with stairs*
It's a monster house!
*Got delayed. Pokemon blocking way.*
*Keckleon comes*
Zappy goes X_X

Didn't know there was a shop >_>


I wanted ketchup!!!
That happened to me too in secons i was owned


Well-Known Member
Yea you have to be carefull when using trawl orbs.


/Blue Flames
Yes this happened to me once... simply I just held the Pass Scarf, and the slashes went on to the other one's surrounding me. Seriously, there were more Kecleon then there were Pokemon in a Monster House. I owned them all, though. :D


Better then you
When I first played the game I did that, not knowing there were Kecleon shops. Right when I saw the Kecleons coming at me I ran like crazy. I didn't make it though. But I do the Trawl Orb trick everytime I see a shop that has something good in it.
That happened to me today. I was in Northern Valley or something and I had the X-Ray Specs. I saw 8 items in one rome and 2 in another. I though of using my Trawl Orl but learned that bounty of items were owen by a Kecleon. At least I used the items that I got to Escape from it (I found a Warp Orb). Those stupid things took down my Magneton.
EDIT: I just learned at Mt. Faraway that you can't use an Escape Orb to flee from it.
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Is it possible to pass off all of Kecleons attacks?


PokeMon Professor
I don't know about all his attacks, but you can pass off a lot of them. When I see anything good in a Kecleon shop, I just lift it there. I don't worry about carrying Trawl Orbs or anything like that. My Swampert massacres the Kecleon, but I can't recruit them so easily...

Shiny Ho-Oh

Well-Known Member
I remember the first time I say a Kecleon Shop. It was in Magma Cavern. I stole a lot of Reviver seeds then...

Kecleon used Slash!
Cyndaquil fainted!


THE pokemon master!!
My first attempt of stealing from kecleon ended badly...
I wanted one for my rescue team. There were too many...
I was more sucessful later, but I still can't recruit them. I need a friend bow.


Well-Known Member
I managed to steal a friend bow fron joyous tower with alakazam.
Whenever i saw a kecleon, i just teleported out of there, until i got to the stairs.

Shiny Ho-Oh

Well-Known Member
I managed to steal a friend bow fron joyous tower with alakazam.
Whenever i saw a kecleon, i just teleported out of there, until i got to the stairs.

Thats a smart thing to do. I should do that with my Alakazam in Joyous Tower or and dungeom next time I go there if I'm lucky to find a Kecleon Shop.


If anyone here has recruited one, what lvls are the Kecleon, or what lvls do they range at?