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My Frogger Toy Trials


Wow, that game is really waesome, it is different from other Froggers, it has good story, gameplay and graphics (copied from Lost in Blue)
It is really funny, i found a secret and met Skye from Lost in Blue in Frogger!!!!!! She told me to help find her 5 pages of notebook, i founded it, returned to her and gave them to her, she gave me a Secret Key to the temple when I can play special secret level and she takes a boat and surf away!!!!! What do you say, intresed??????

el buitron

i am god....
ehh.. you like frogger no?...well you want buy my frogger helmet of the chaos? i was very happy went my mom gift me my ds...but when i saw the game....i hate it! is very bored! i want resident evil dealy silent!!! ahhhh!!!!


Frogger on the Playstation is the best in my opinion.