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My furniture sprites!

What does you think about my pokemon furniture?

  • 5/5! THEY ARE GREAT!

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • 4/5.. So so...

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • 3/5 What is that?!

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • 2/5 JUNK! Who wants that stuf??!

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • 1/5 LOL! WHO DID THAT?! JUNK!!!

    Votes: 7 36.8%

  • Total voters


Hehe, i was bored so i made some furniture sprites :p Tell me what you think about them! ( if they are cool, junk etc. >.< )

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They're... well, unusual xD The only thing that bugs me is that the cannons on the Blastoise one don't look right. o-o Apart from that they're good. ^^ The Charizard one looks as though the Pokemon itself's got it's head stuck in a tent though. x3


Chloemew4ever said:
They're... well, unusual xD The only thing that bugs me is that the cannons on the Blastoise one don't look right. o-o Apart from that they're good. ^^ The Charizard one looks as though the Pokemon itself's got it's head stuck in a tent though. x3

Lol, i hadn't noticed about that on the charizard tent xP It looks funny :p

Thx for your comment!


I just have added the Vibrava Heavy Desk to the furniture! xP

Quite good, bodering on decent. It bugs me that the pokemons heads stick outta the decorations.


That was just harsh what was da point give the guy a break sometyhing he did when he was BORED not like he wud have put his whole life's knowledge of spriting anyway i'd like to see you sprite? cmon let me see 1 of ure sprites i bet there c.r.a.p in comparison to this guys case closed lol.