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my fusions, rate please!


i made the wet spot
Hi my name is izzman963 and this is my first time makeing fusions. Here they are and please rate and tell me what to do better. The three on the left side are mine, and the two on the right are my friends.

i added two more

i think these r better
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Well-Known Member
those are good! ( I made two).


Serebii's Ninja
meh, good for a beginer.
but the sprite are too small.


You need to descrease the size of the image overall i.e getting rid of the white bit and then IShack won't resize your sprites I believe.

From what I can actualy see they look rather copy and pasteish.


Well-Known Member
You need to descrease the size of the image overall i.e getting rid of the white bit and then IShack won't resize your sprites I believe.

From what I can actualy see they look rather copy and pasteish.

From what I can see, he made a lot of custom parts on some, I even saw.


Serebii's Ninja
i don't see no "custom" parts from what i see.
just mixin and matchin.

Lugia Tamer

< Is friggin awesome
I agree, with what everyone else is saying about C&P,(especially the Beldum/Chinchou). But I still like the Sandtails


Well-Known Member
He used regular sprites, somehow they got sdmaller once hosted.


Well-Known Member
these are good (for a begginer like everyone says) but the ninetales and sandslash is the best


guess whos back?
as others said, good for beginners, but theyre way too copy and pastish. try adding custom parts. You also completely destoryed the shading on the second new one, and the shading is a ittle odd on some of the others. When you mix things, you also have to reshade some parts, recoloring isnt enough sometimes.

Lugia Tamer

< Is friggin awesome
I really like Beedrill/Kingler, but something is not right about the mouth on Poliwhirl/Golbat. Maybe a little shading could help, it looks very flat.