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Hi my name is izzman963 and this is my first time makeing fusions. Here they are and please rate and tell me what to do better. The three on the left side are mine, and the two on the right are my friends.
You're kidding, right?
Anyways, as said in the past, good for a begginer,(insert size lecture), and these look really copy and paste-ish. Good try though.
as others said, good for beginners, but theyre way too copy and pastish. try adding custom parts. You also completely destoryed the shading on the second new one, and the shading is a ittle odd on some of the others. When you mix things, you also have to reshade some parts, recoloring isnt enough sometimes.
Agreed too much copying and paseting from others, the beedrill looks fine but the polywhirl-golbat looks like it has no body line between the whril and wings