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My fusions


Well-Known Member
Hi there, I am new at fusions and I just started yesterday. I have made a couple of fusions and I am planning on making more. I wanted to see how mush you people like them.

Fuwante + Glion

Toriedpusu + Manmuu and Korotukku + Rozuriedo

Kyogre + rayquaza

C+C welcomed


There is no shading on the Kyrogre/Rayquaza, the color you chose looks completely default and nearly blinded my eyes when I first looked at it. Please choose the colors on the Pokemon with the eye dropper tool. And if you're a beginner, I suggest to you to lay off the legendaries to fuse together and fuse together easy Pokemon, like Vulpix and Teddiursa. Plus they look too copy and pastiesh. Try and make custom parts next time. ;)
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Taylor Ray

Newest shiny
the fuwante mix is like theyve said copy pasted the rayogre is too bright and there is no shading keep trying and youll get better


Well-Known Member
I don't like the rayquaza mix aswell. But thanks for feed back so i'll try to do better.

Chaotic Pink

Let the zephyr blow.
You've left alot of white-space around the sprites!

The fusions are quite copy-and-paste-ish, so try scratching some parts next time. The last fusion, Kyogre and Rayquaza seems to have lost most of the shading, and the colours on it look too bright to be Kyogre's.


Tastes like chicken!
Not bad there a little bit copy-and-paste-ish, try scratch bits on next time and you need to shade in the Kyogre + rayquaza.