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My Fusions


Well-Known Member
1st Mega-Fusion Thing:



;144; ;336; ;206; ;212;

~Lucario Master~

Well-Known Member
To Cut and Pastish. It looks like a collage of Pokemon. Also the wings don't look right on it.


guess whos back?
Too copy and pastish, add some custom parts, and never flip body parts. Screws up the shading and makes it too symetrical.
Also, try to blend your parts more. Everything, especially the wings, dont fit that well.


Musical Trainer
To me, Aireon-Solareon-Espeon/Mew are the best in the second batch.
Even though they are like recolor/copy and paste, they are ok. LOL your Ty/Fly/Char mix is kinda.... awkward.

:] The wings on the Dunsparce thing are kinda weird.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. Im not too good at scratching so I mostly just add parts on.
I also have a whole bunch at school but I need to get them to my house.


Rookie Spriter
The first one (Dunsparce) is way too Copy Pastish. On the other ones, the Delcatty/Armaldo one is too copy pastish, and the tail in the Typhlosion/Flygon is bad, the custom parts you draw are horrible and the tail is misplaced (it should be behind the body). The rest is good, but you could made more changes in most of them.


The Dunsparce fusion is all right I guess, but the wing don't really seem to be attached and try to shorten the name a tiny bit. On the other batch of sprites some of the mixes are copy and pastiesh. The Delcatty/Armaldo one just has Armaldo's claws and really isn't considered a fusion that much. Probably recolour it Armaldo's colours and make it more Armaldo-ish? Yeah. The Flygon's tail seems to be placed wrong on the Typhlosion/Charizard/Flygon mix. The Shroomish/Manaphy's antaennas aren't really seem to be what attached and not really like a Shroomish and Manaphy fusion. And why is Seel/Spheal's hand fin (whatever it's called lol) attached to its stomach? No offense, but try to learn how to scratch parts. If you want try reading a scratch tutorial. It makes things easier. Plus, you should recolour some of the fusions and try to make them more like a fusion next time in the future. ^_^


Well-Known Member
The porygon 2/Houndoom are pretty good and so is the Tyranitar/Dragonite

On the Quagsire/Breloom i think you should have Quagsires feets and Brelooms coloring.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member

A centaur with scratched staff thing

Some C+C other than scratch, as you see my scratches suck big time.


Well-Known Member


2 fusions for the Scizor Contest

DS lite man

Well-Known Member
ok why is the beak ontop of his head


Your Xatu/Scizor mix is very awkward. The beak, why is it on the head? Perhaps scratch it on Scizor's mouth, or leave it out. The Espeon/Scizor one is all right I guess. Oh, and the feet on the Xatu/Scizor looks awkward too.


Well-Known Member
2 totally scratched fusions :

Aron/Trapinch and Vibrava/Lairon

Are they any better than my old ones ?
And I didnt add the beak because it looked cooler as a horn. I may have another go later on.

Wild Cherry

Magma Commander
Too copy and pastish, add some custom parts, and never flip body parts. Screws up the shading and makes it too symetrical.
Also, try to blend your parts more. Everything, especially the wings, dont fit that well.

I agree alot with OD.

All though you scratched that staff, it still dosent look right, no good shading, dont use primary colours either, the edges can have a very dark shade of yellow.