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My future diamond team!


Musical Insomnia

Frenzy Plant
Wood Hammer
Crunch/Razor Leaf


Charge Beam
Iron Tail


Aqua Jet
Ice Beam


Blade Test
Dark Pulse
Snow Slide/Ice Beam
Iron Tail


Bug Devour
Bug Upheavel


Pulse Bomb
Time Roar
Dragon Pulse
Luster Cannon

As you can see, i don't use defensive moves. This team was buikt to use STABed moves in an all out attack strategy.
Sorry, no EV's or natures 'cause i don't really care about all that
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Kyokudo <33
well if you use an all out attack strategy you need to care about natures and EVs
natures make a big difference in your stats
while EV's add alot to your stats and mke you really strong
and you do need defensive moves and stat-increasing moves,they help ALOT


Musical Insomnia
In all my games i have never used defensive moves or stat boosting moves and i have never counted EV's and i have never cared about nature's, i take pokemon as they are and use them and i still kick butt


I won't give up!
So you don't use stat-up or defensive moves , allright then. I have to say those moves are very useful but I'll give you only attacking moves...
- Rock Slide
- Wood Hammer
- Earthquake
- Crunch

- Thunder Fang / Spark
- Crunch
- Fire fang
- Ice Fang

- Aqua Jet
- Waterfall
- Ice Fang
- Brick Break / Crunch

- Blade Test
- Aerial Ace / Scissor Cross
- Ice punch
- Brick Break / Shadow Claw

- Shadow Ball
- Air Slash
- Bug Upheavel
- Psychic

- Ice Beam
- Land power / Thunderbolt
- Dragon Pulse
- Luster Cannon

As you can see, i don't use defensive moves. This team was buikt to use STABed moves in an all out attack strategy.
Sorry, no EV's or natures 'cause i don't really care about all that


In all my games i have never used defensive moves or stat boosting moves and i have never counted EV's and i have never cared about nature's, i take pokemon as they are and use them and i still kick butt
You're lucky that the Pokemon you chose don't need defensive moves. But that also means that you can never ever battle over Wi-Fi since the people who do use defensive moves will destroy your team.


Well-Known Member


You're lucky that the Pokemon you chose don't need defensive moves. But that also means that you can never ever battle over Wi-Fi since the people who do use defensive moves will destroy your team.

agreed that's why i'm changing that way i battle.


Musical Insomnia
You're lucky that the Pokemon you chose don't need defensive moves. But that also means that you can never ever battle over Wi-Fi since the people who do use defensive moves will destroy your team.

I have never lost a battle to someone with defensive moves except for one time where i was only halfway through the game and i was facing Lv 50's, 60's and Seventies.
It always warms my heart to see someone go on the offensive. Kinda reminds me of...well, myself. Visit my thread to see my team (please).

Armored Zangoose

Well-Known Member
Like I said to Dsedark before i knew he changed how he battled, go up against a tankwith of attack/special attack and your entire tam will be destroyed.

Armored Zangoose

Well-Known Member
Like I said to Dsdark before i knew he changed how he battled, go up against a tankwith of attack/special attack and your entire tam will be destroyed.


Like I said to Dsdark before i knew he changed how he battled, go up against a tankwith of attack/special attack and your entire tam will be destroyed.

depending on how your team is you might not, and it also depends on speed and attack/sp attack of your team to