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My game cheated me!

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Well-Known Member
Has anyone had the problem of not being able to find the Leftovers? I got both Snorlax already earlier 2 weeks ago, and when I went back yesterday using the itemfinder, it doesn't pick anything up.

Anyone else have this problem? I dont think the items would just disappear....
It should be right where it was. I got both lefties on my game. o.o



I am the game
Same problem with me.


ThE FalLeN AnGeL
have u tried the itemfinder right on top of where snorlax actually was, cos unless u do that the itemfinder doesnt register nethin bein there


Completing The Trio
just got mine it said that the itemfinder was shaking wildly theres an item underfoot


Well-Known Member
lol your just confused......i get confused all the time ._.

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
As the others have said...you need to be standing right on the spot to get leftovers . It wont register if you are just nearby so try a few squares untill you get it.


The Master...
not to mention where mr fuji was there is a soothe bell to help friendliness and a macho brace where giovanni was in the gym


Well-Known Member
not to mention where mr fuji was there is a soothe bell to help friendliness and a macho brace where giovanni was in the gym

Thanks for that information!

I'm about to try and see if I can find the Leftovers, I better >_>

No, I don't use cheating devices. GS AR = Lame

char char

Professional Shut-In
here is something for all of you to get leftovers

1. get itemfinder
2.catch or defeat snorelax
3.stand EXACTLY where the snorlax was
4.use itemfinder
5.stars should appear and the message box would say:"the item finder is shaking wildy there is somethingburied underground. char char dug up the leftovers!
6. now you have leftovers!!

other spots and items
mr.fugi in pokemon tower use item finder and recive soothe bell
giovani in gym use item finder and recieve growth band
ho-oh was on navel rock-sacred ash

trust me i have all the items ;004;


Well-Known Member
Thanks all, I finally got em. Wow, that was confusing, Itemfinder used to point you in the direction...

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