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My game


Plays with his wii
Whoops! Sorry, I didn't see the "Latest Happening Thread" Really Sorry.

I bought a Fire Red today because I sold Leaf Green and my friend wanted me to get it. So I bought it. I was playing for hours and I got to fight Gary for the second time. He beat me with his Bublasuar.... it had one HP left!
After he beat me, I dropped the game when I stood up and then it froze!! :'[
I had

  • Warturtle lvl 17
    Pidgey lvl 16
    Omanyte lvl 15
    Eevee lvl 15
    Mankey lvl 16
    Nindoran(boy) lvl 14

I totally forgot to save. But, it saved when I traded pokemon.

Also, my Eevee and Omanyte don't listen to me when they are at lvl 12. I got them in a trade.

Shiny Crobat

Well-Known Member
Go to the recent happenings thread (sorry for mini-modding)