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my gold version died


Well-Known Member
The internal battery is dead. Your save file is gone, but you can fix the game by replacing or recharging the battery.

There is a thread on it somewhere.


buy a new battery other wise buy a new game


You can fix it. Take it to RadioShack. That should help things. The internal battery CAN be replaced.


Wut a Noob!!!!!!!!!!
;manyula; same thing happened to me before i lost it

Eclipsed soul

Houndour Trainer
Yeah, all my SNES games died, and well, my GB/GBC games are close to death I think. Everytime I load up Gold/Silver/Crystal, I'm prompted to re-enter the time. I haven't played it since because I don't think I could handle seeing my most played games, just not work anymore >>


Natsu no Maboroshi
That's too bad. Replace the battery.


Staff member
Super Mod
Sorry to hear that.
Just replace the battery. I wouldn't buy another game because that one will most likely be used and that battery will die quicker than if you just replace the battery.