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My Gyarados


Well-Known Member
well i decided to train a gyarados because its cool maybe not the best but cool so i decided on a moveset to cover its weaknesses and such

-ice beam
-thunder bolt

then i realized that these moves were not such a good idea as gyarados is prominent in attack

so what do you think i should use?

should i even use gyarados?

ive been thinking about maybe a milotic but feebas is hard to find


Well-Known Member
If you can get HP Flying (Hidden Power flying type) then that's great. I doubt it though. Usually Gyarados has Taunt or Thunder Wave but i tried it and doesn't work much ingame imo. So i go with this

Gyarados@ Leftovers
Trait: Intimidate
Lonely Nature (+Atk - Def)

Dragon Dance
Flail/Return/HP Flying
Hydro Pump

If you can get a couple of dds in, which isn't a problem ingame, then flail is just plain pain when on low health.


Well-Known Member
hmm yeah i thought of trying to find a lonely one but im trying to beat the elite four so i can transfer in my other pokes from sapphire or at least the last gym so my lvl 100 rayquaza from sapphire would obey me so i can beat the elite four quickly

and if you have hp does it stay the same type forever or can it change?


Well-Known Member
This the set I used on mine as my anchor for Battle Frontier. Unless the enemy is Aerodactyl or Skarmory or a quick attack user, their entire team will die!

Gyarados@Leichi Berry (1.5X At when low on health)
Jolly Nature (+Spd/-SA)
EVs: 252 Spd/100 At/158 Sp D
(Gives him around 300 Att, Plenty of Special Defense and enough speed to outrun EVERYTHING common with just one Dragon Dance).
*Dragon Dance


Well-Known Member
No sorry the hp type cant change. The above moveset also works but it is kinda hard to get liechi berry. I mean come on what are the ods of getting to mirage island. If you have colloseum/xd you can get it though


Well-Known Member
im a big fan of speed(not the drug) so i like this one

and wow you even put in the evs thats helpful now i dont have to think (YAY!) i like the move set but maybe i should put in something electric because earthquake dosent effect flying types


Well-Known Member
i have a liechi berry and hp not being able to change is a good thing for me because i dont have to keep track of when it changes

edit: hmm turns out i dont have a liechi berry but i can easily get one if jirachi is holding a liechi berry when it crosses over to ruby(i heard this somewhere) and i have coloseum just in case
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Well-Known Member
OK if you are going with that set heres a few things, with endure the sp def evsa are pointless, u want to predict a thunderbolt and end up with 1 hp, with evs u may get more. I prefer the subflailing set. I think it's fast enough without jolly but not 100% sure. 100 attack won't dent that much but i think evs are fine. Actually i think putting those sp def evs in hp may be better. I'll give it a go. Please correcty me if this sucks someone.

Gyarados@ Liechi Berry
Adamant: 140 Atk, 252 Spd,118 HP

Dragon Dance

Basically you sub down to the liechi berry. If your sub doesn't break on one turn then that lets you dragon dance =)

You don't need anything to hit flying types, flail hits very hard already. Make sure your hp isnt divisible by 4 as this will make flail do less damage.


Well-Known Member
Double-Edge/Dragon Dance/Earthquake/Hydro Pump would be good.


Well-Known Member
that one looks better to me
it makes sense
i love substitute
if its fast enough without jolly ill use adament if its not ill use jolly

im pretty sure im gonna use this moveset i just need to know what nature to put in and then im good to go

you guys are a great help thanks


Well-Known Member
hmm tazzler im not a big fan of double edge so i think im gonna go with the other set but thanks anyways i might use that moveset one day and check which one i like more


Well-Known Member
yeah definitely adamant. I'm not to sure about the evs i said though, don't use them just yet because i think there's probably something better.


Well-Known Member
ok sorry

so adament will work you say? guess im gonna start searching for one now

i think the evs will work

im so excited my first ev trained pokemon im gonna have to go read up on ev training now


EVs: 36 HP / 212 Atk / 204 Spd / 56 SDef

Depending on your IVs, Gyarados can survive unSTABed Thunderbolts up to 260 Sp. Attack with those EVs. Make sure it has a good Speed IV, so you can get at least 249 Speed by Lv. 100.


Well-Known Member
i just read the ev article
when you say 36 hp do you mean 36 whismurs(lets say) or four times that?

and isnt thunderbolt special attack?


Well-Known Member
Yeah thunderbolt is special. He means that anything with a stat in special attack of 260 or under won't faint gyarados with that. When ev training make your pokemon hold the macho brace, it gives doubole the evs.

The 36 means you want 36 evs in HP. So if it is holding a macho brace then your pokemon needs to kill 18 whismurs, 106 poochyenas/ carvanahs/ shuppets, 102 zubats and 28 tentacools. Does that make more sense


Well-Known Member
i get it im gonna make it catch pokerus too because on my sapphire i have some pokerus pokes so i can use them to infect it

sorry for the double post something happened with my internet


Well-Known Member
And If you have the resources, you can speed it up by buying vitamins. They count as 10 each. So instead of fighting so many shupput, give it 10 proteins and you will only need to fight 56 with the macho brace. 3 HP ups and then you will only have to fight 3 whismurs. Make sense?