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My ho-oh wont boost up its stats after ev training!

top 8 guy

I have a lvl 72 Ho-oh and i've killed 126+ zubats with the macho brace on and 126 spindas with the macho brace. Its stats have only gone up by like 40, does anyone know why?


Toon link
just keep training it until you get to a certain ev you want to boost up then it will go up during any level


<-- Solves any case!
Because you've 20 levels left to get it boosted. Try EV training him on level 99, than you'll get the complete boost at once.

top 8 guy

But most of its evs are already done, the sp attk doesn't go up anymore and neither the speed, so it will go up when it lvls up?

top 8 guy

ok so I don't get the ribbon off that ladie until lvl 100? and people say to ev train when they are weaker as in the pokemon, isn't that harder?
ok so I don't get the ribbon off that ladie until lvl 100? and people say to ev train when they are weaker as in the pokemon, isn't that harder?

No, you need to get 6 ev's in another stat, if you're finished with sp.att and speed, and it's great if you ev train at a weaker level, it's even easier, a pokemon can get the effort ribbon at any level- my pichu had it at lv6(proteins___)

top 8 guy

Yeah I keep forgetting that, but my stupid brother went on and played my game, killing like 20 extra zubats, there goes half of my 6 evs.......