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my In-game team needs more help!

water... which water?

  • Sharpedo

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Crawdaunt

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Walrein

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • Gorebyss

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • comedy option Luvdisc

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters


you may have seen my new RS team a few days ago... or maybe not... anyway, I need another member for my team, which is:

Sceptile (special sweeper)
Camerupt (mixed sweeper)
Swellow (phsycial sweeper)
Dusclops (tank/cursetrapper)
Grumpig (tank/special sponge)

but this isn't about them, they don't need rating right now, this is about the 6th member, more specifically, the obligitory water type... I'm not sure which one would work best on my team.

- Has to be a water type
- Hoenn water type (though it would be fun to use, sorry, no Lanturn)
- Ruby game (no Ludicolo or Kyogre)
- No legendaries (no Kyogre, besides, none of the other members will benefit from Drizzle)
- Milotic and Swampert are out of the question

okay, here are the top choices

Sharpedo: I like the Water/Dark type combo... but I dislike the awful defenses
Crawdaunt: another Water/Dark combo, but horrid speed
Walrein: pretty good in-game, pretty bad out-game (don't plan on link-battling anyway)
Gorebyss: never used a baton passer before... but I'm not so keen on loading up on stat-rasing moves and Baton pass and not having any attacks itself...


Well-Known Member
Dusclops Cursetrapping?


Sorry, but I find that really funny. You do know that Curse works differently for Ghost types, right? Besides, why would you want to kamikaze your tank?


chaos952 said:
Sorry, but I find that really funny. You do know that Curse works differently for Ghost types, right? Besides, why would you want to kamikaze your tank?

of course I know what Curse does for ghosts :rolleyes:, and it'll have Rest to heal up anyway...

but enough about Dusclops, which water pokemon to you think would be best?


Back I guess??
gorebyss or walrein, gorebyss would be my first choice, less weakness, learns psychic, and the best s.attack among the non lengendary waters. (excluding omastar)
walrein is just a kingdra with more HP and less speed, but more weakness.

sharpedo and crawdaunt, no, one hit and KO.
Last edited:


walrein is just a kingdra with more HP and less speed, but more weakness

when you mean "Just like Kingdra" do you mean it has a bad movepool? or something else...


Back I guess??
ah no, I think kingdra a good water pokemon and maybe the best, "just like kingdra" I meant the stats. both are semelhants, excluding HP and speed.