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My Junk

On your first Mimimoru picture, it looks a lot like Lopmon from Digimon though. The left (or right) ear is supose to be flat or something isn't it? The fluffy part of it's ears are a bit too fluffy though. Same goes for the fluffy part of it's waist. And it's feet are supose to be white, not brown. Mimimoru's eyes look a bit to big and beady and it's arms are too big.

The second Mimimoru picture is the same. Too fluffy, big arms, and the ears.

The Sheimi picture is very cute. I've never really seen it before so I don't know what to crit on it. o_O

Overall, your pictures are very cute! =] Just work on a few things I mentioned.



I don't know........
I like the Sheimi pic the most, but still, the Mimimoru pics are good too. Keep up the good work, White Spirit!


Well-Known Member
Oh wow I like the Halloween Cat's hat!
Sheimi looks a bit tall :s
Mimimoru's ears don't match. The right one is bigger than the left. They've been put right on the Xmas Mimimoru though, but it's hat doesnt seem to be sitting right... :) Also, it looks a bit thin for my liking, although i've not actually seen the pokémon yet, it's still pretty obvious.

Overall, they're pretty cute! :D
Eh, I can't shade.

I'd put a pic up but all my good ones are in my agenda.-.-;
...You don't mind if there's a calendar(sp?) in the background, do you?
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Brains for brawn
White Spirit said:
Eh, I can't shade.
:D Best excuse ever. Same one I have.

It's a little less quality then my works IMO but they are still quite good. Personally, I think that you have talent keep up the great work!

Now here's some crap from my agenda:

Cat Girl

Poor quality, yes I know.

The speech bubble says "Meow!" and at the top it says "Here Kitty,kitty,kitty!"

This is how I usually draw.I hate outlining and stuff like that.-.-;

EDIT: Other crap from my agenda:

Snow Fall
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Shiny Celebi

Bah, I hate drawing eyes.Speaking of eyes I know that Celebi's eyes are misplaced an the heads kinda messed up.But give me a break its the first time I've drawn it.
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