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My LeafGreen Team!


Well-Known Member
Pidgeot Lv. 66 ;018;
Hyper Beam
Mirror Move
Steel Wing

Venusaur Lv. 58 ;003;
Sleep Powder
Frenzy Plant

And some other Pokémons which i don't really need to use, since most of them are still in Lv. 40.

I think i'm gonna train Pidgeot to Lv. 100 first, and then pwn the Pokémon Leage.

Ps. I'm also having a Lv. 18 Dratini in my team, i'm training it to become a powerfull Dragonite.

Please tell me what i can do to them to make them better. Already Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Venusaur @ Leftovers
Trait: Overgrow
Sassy Nature
- Razor Leaf
- Leech Seed
- Sleep Powder
- Sludge Bomb

Pidgeot @ Choice Band
Trait: Keen Eye
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Return
- Aerial Ace
- Quick Attack
- Steel Wing


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I'm not sure if i could get the TMs to all of them, and i like Frenzy Plant pretty much, so i'm not sure if i'm gonna delete that one.


Well-Known Member
Er no Frenzy Plant sucks.

You forgot Dragonite-

Dragonite@ Leftovers
Trait: Inner Focus
Lonely Nature (+Atk -Sp Def) < IIRC

Dragon Dance
Aerial Ace