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My list...again..

you can contact me here

Aim: madfish234

Msn: Lazybook@gmail.com

If you like what I have, feel free to throw a offer anything and i will take it into consideration, but im only looking for shinies I dont have. (No nicknames, Below Lv50, and preevolved if possible) Though pokemon that I offer are legit, please note that they will be cloned through gts and dont expect me to offer more just because they are.

Shiny Squirtle

Shiny Chansey

Shiny Pachirisu

Shiny Guyrados

Shiny Torchic

Shiny uxie

Shiny Bagon

Shiny Chimchar

Shiny tododile

Shiny Onix

Shiny Larvitar

Shiny Shinx

Shiny Pikachu

Shiny Ralts

Shiny Deoxys

Shiny Digglet

Shiny Beldum

Shiny Feebas

Shiny Turtwig

Shiny budew

Shiny Unknown

Shiny Geodude

Shiny Piplup

Shiny Rayquaza

Shiny bulbasaur

Shiny Roselia

Shiny Volbeat

Shiny Murkrow

Shiny Growlithe

Shiny Snorlax

Shiny Aerodactyl

Shiny Eevee

Shiny vespiquen

Shiny Dratini

Shiny Mew

Surfing & Flying Pikachu 10th Ann

Shiny Snover

Shiny Chikorita

Shiny Ponyta

Shiny Meowth

Shiny Charmander

Shiny Lickitung

Shing Pidgeotto

Shiny Mareep

Shiny misdreavus

Shiny Ghastly

Shiny Trapinch

Shiny Steelix

Shiny Rotom

Shiny Taillow

Shiny Marshtomp

Shiny Delibird

Shiny Buizel

Shiny Mudkip

Shiny Shellos

Shiny Dodrio

Shiny Shroomish

Ok Here are my wants.....

Shiny Riolu

Shiny Chimchar

Shiny Elekid

-More comming soon....
Last edited:

Tak Aburame

~Water's Revolution~
Giraf for: Pachi
Ditto For: Turtwig
Lucario(lvl 100) for: Mudkip+Chimchar

That ok?