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My Lv/Dragon Deck

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I can't give out the whole deck(because I can't remember all of the cards), but I can give out the monster cards.(The rest of the cards I just posted below)

Tribute Monsters

Horus The Black Flame Dragon Lv 6+8
Buster Blader
Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon
Tyrant Dragon(2)
Red-Eyes B. Dragon
Armed Dragon Lv 7
Armed Dragon Lv 5(2)

Non-Tribute Monsters

Horus The Black Flame Dragon Lv 4
Armed Dragon Lv 3(2)
Luster Dragon(2)
Masked Dragon(3)
Red-Eyes B. Chick
Element Dragon
Lord Of D.(2)
Twin-Headed Bememoth

Here are the rest of my cards Shining Kyogre

Stamping Destruction(3)
Heavy Storm
Snatch Steal
The Dragon's Bead
Premature Burial
Curse of Anubis
Swords of Revealing
Mystical Space Typhoon
Interdimensional Matter Trasporter(2)
Nobleman of Crossout
The Graveyard in the Fourth Dimension
Trap Jammer
Call of the Haunted
Dragon's Rage
Creature Swap
Reckless Greed

Equals 47 cards and still needs to get rated,still working on a sidedeck,and the regionals are in less than 3 weeks.so much work to be done and so little time(and did I mention it also needs the potential to win the Championships).
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Well, for a start, I hope you have Level Up in your deck? And the staple Magic/Trap cards, such as Heavy Storm, Dust Tornado, Mystical Space Typhoon, etc?


I have 1 Level Up!, and most of the staple cards your're talking about.Here are some of the cards I have(and can remember).

Mystical Space Typhoon
Heavy Storm
Dragon's Rage
Stamping Destruction(3),etc.
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When you get the chance ShineSearcher, decrease the pic in your sig before it's deleted. I can't rate this until the full deck is posted.
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