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My Manectric is DOOMED!

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Thank you people for helping me in my previous post.

Problem1: When my Electrike evolved to Manectric, its ability changed from static to lightning rod! Is there such a thing? I like static better.

Problem2: Lightning rod is an ability to draw electric attacks. This sound pretty good, but when it battles Wattson's Manectric, it did not "draw" its shock wave but just takes it. Anyway, I don't quite understand the lightning rod ability, does it turn electric attacks to HP or what?


um, and stuff
1. Glitch?
2. Lightning rod draws the Electric attack to Manetric and takes the damage that's all. It is better on Rhydon


Well-Known Member
Staff member
1. Glitch?

^Yeah, probably a glitch, my Manectric still had static when it evolved.

2. Lightning rod draws the Electric attack to Manetric and takes the damage that's all. It is better on Rhydon

^True, but lightningrod works better in a double battle.
If you send out two pokemon and one has lightningrod, then if your foe uses an electrical attack on your other pokemon, (The one without L.R.) the lightningrod pokemon will 'draw' the attack, and take it. This is why it works better on Rhydon (And Marowak) because they're immune to electricity.



The new tuxedo look!
1 Glitch perhaps?

2 In a double battle, let's say lanturn and blaziken vs. manetric and fearrow, lanturn uses thunderbolt on fearrow but it hits manetric because lightning rod "attracts" it.


1. Are you absolutely sure? Because evolved Pokemon retain the same nature they had before they evolved, providing they don't have an entirely new one such as Gyarados and Tyranitar. If you're absolutely sure that it's the same Pokemon, then it is no doubt an unfortunate glitch.

2. Lightningrod only works in double battles. Strategies involving it were detailed by Aquarelle and davidone10. Quite handy when you have a Gyarados or something that you want to keep alive even when facing Pokemon with Electric-type moves. Iirc, a boss in XD uses this strategy.


Your game must be heavily glitched, because a Manectric keeps it's Ability when it evolves (mine did). You haven't experience other abnormalities than that of Manectric changing Ability have you?


Psephophthalmus artu
1. Are you absolutely sure? Because evolved Pokemon retain the same nature they had before they evolved, providing they don't have an entirely new one such as Gyarados and Tyranitar. If you're absolutely sure that it's the same Pokemon, then it is no doubt an unfortunate glitch.

^ What? Your not making sense.

Also While lightning rod may be one of Manectrics 2 abilities it should keep the ability Electrike had or that with which you caught it.

However I have a Glitch of my own. Recntly upon playing through Colisseum again I came up against A golbat and lanturn. My team being an Ampharos and Suicune.
My Ampharos uses Thunder on Golbat
Lightning Rod comes into effect and the attack is drawn to lanturn.
However lanturn fails to take damage.

Any ideas onwhats up with that?


^ What? Your not making sense.

Also While lightning rod may be one of Manectrics 2 abilities it should keep the ability Electrike had or that with which you caught it.

However I have a Glitch of my own. Recntly upon playing through Colisseum again I came up against A golbat and lanturn. My team being an Ampharos and Suicune.
My Ampharos uses Thunder on Golbat
Lightning Rod comes into effect and the attack is drawn to lanturn.
However lanturn fails to take damage.

Any ideas onwhats up with that?

I'm saying that when a Pokemon evolves, it has the same nature as it had before it evolved. For example, if I have a Growlithe with Intimidate, it will still have Intimidate, and not Flash Fire, when it evolves. This is not the case with a few Pokemon, such as Gyarados and Tyranitar. When Magikarp evolves, it doesn't keep Swift Swim as its ability; instead, it changes to Intimidate. The same goes for Pupitar's ability changing to Sandstream upon evolution.

As for your "glitch," as the previous poster said, Lanturn's ability allows it to absorb Electric-type attacks. You must've accidently targeted it instead of Golbat as you intended.


Badmans hipster
Manectric can only have one ability.A wild pokemon and a captured pokemon can have only one out of its other abilities.

Nah- how retarded do you think I am?!?!?


Nah- how retarded do you think I am?!?!?

He's simply saying that a Pokemon can only have one ability at at time. True, Manectric has two, but he can only have one at any given time.

Or was that what you were wondering? I couldn't quite tell.


b2t guys.
manerctric can switch abilities when evolving. the same occured with my manectric. how long I've worked on hp Grass! the same happened to my geodude, when it evolved into graveler, his ability had gone from rock head to sturdy. it is rare, but happens.


<- Currently Hunting
lightning rod is meant for a double battle, so if you have rhydon and a water pokemon and they try to use a electric attack on the water pok. rhydon will take it and it won't do any damage

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
here we go again. Glitchmongers saying "zomg ur game is glitched 111eleventyone"

Its not a glitch if it is a part of the game and ever since special abilitys have been added to the game they have been able to change upon evoloution. go out and find your facts before saying "ZOMG GLITCHED GAME" every time something you dont understand happens.
In conclusion, my manectric is DOOMED by glitches!!!!

lvl.27 manectric

just kidding, I just like static better. Manectric's spark can paralyze foes easily.

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
Um...it programmed into the game..so its not a glitch. its about as much of a 'glitch' as mudkip turning up as one of the starters. go learn some more about the game.

BTW why not just go catch a wild one with static?
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