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My mind is CAVING in

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Magma Leader Maxie

Non caedor caedo
Why can't you access Cave of Origin after Rayquaza comes and stops Groudon and Kyogre battling in emerald? I just ignored Cave of Origin the first time I visited and now, after getting the 8th badge I realized the man who guards the cave and who once prevented me accessing it again blocks the cave. I don't usually use obscene language, but WTF? He won't let me in! That was one of my favourite areas in ruby and now it's removed. I mean, what was that "The cave must sleep" garbage anyway? That place should be open for someone who just saved Hoenn from obliteration! Does it open again? Does anyone feel the same way as I? OK, everyone's exited by the battle frontier and all, but... it's the Cave Of Origin...

pokemon master:Stranger

Surprise buttsecks!
in emerald you can only go in the cave when your doing the quest to stop gorudon and kyogre when you solve the problem or beat the last gym then you cant go in it again.

Magma Leader Maxie

Non caedor caedo
I don't think it matters that there are no important or rare items there, and that there aren't any exiting Pokémon in it. How can you not want to go there again? All life ends on Mt. Pyre and all life starts in the Cave Of Origin. It's a really cool area. An egg hatched in the Cave Of Origin... not Route 112, not Mauville City, not in any of the usual boring places. Cave Of Origin is, like, an important area (if you think about the STORY of the game) and sealing it off is as bad as closing, I don't know... the whole of Mt. Chimney or Mt. Pyre. It's not some idiotic run-of-the-mil not-that-well-known location no one gives a damn about.


The Cave of Origin is different now (I think), it's just a very short path with nothing in it. Are there wild Pokemon? I didn't encounter one so I don't know.


In Emerald isn't HM07 giving to you by Wallace or something? Since The Cave of Origin is useless now.


You're Illegal
Firebird306 said:
In Emerald isn't HM07 giving to you by Wallace or something? Since The Cave of Origin is useless now.
no you find it in the cave of origin when you get to the end of the cave you see wallace he askes you were rayquaza might be and if you chose sky pillar he goes of to it leaving you behid and you have to go there yourself
(p.s. i've made a cool fan fic, go here-> http://www.serebiiforums.com/showthread.php?t=93670 to read it!)


Johto Champion
You haven't "made" a fanfic. You've "written" a fanfic. God, if you're an author then I shudder to think what your fanfic is about...

Anyway, CoO is useless. So it's closed. Big deal. Mt. Pyre has chimecho, vulpix, duskull and shuppet. CoO has zubat and golbat.


You're Illegal
Pan said:
You haven't "made" a fanfic. You've "written" a fanfic. God, if you're an author then I shudder to think what your fanfic is about...

Anyway, CoO is useless. So it's closed. Big deal. Mt. Pyre has chimecho, vulpix, duskull and shuppet. CoO has zubat and golbat.
you never know untill you read it nOOb <_<


Hyper Coordinator
let not advertise or spam the thread shall we?

i dont get why you are so mad that it is closed... there's nothing in there of importance


Pinin' for the fjord
It's not about what's in it, it's the principle of the thing. I agree; I may not have gone in there very often, but if it were open post-Rayquaza, that would be quite cool.
Not as frustrating as the ruined Sky Pillar, but it wasn't a good idea either.

The cave looked way cooler with both red and blue gems... plus, no annoying Bats this time. Too bad they close it. Another Emerald screw-up. :(


Live Long & Prosper
They should've had Ray in the CoO. Green gems aren't too hard to make. The Sky Pillar could've been used from something better, eg: Deoxys


I believe you didnt want the cave of origin to close cause it is an "important place of groudon kyogre and rayquaza". Lets say the cave of origin wasnt closed at all. It wouldnt be even important. So I think, it is your problem you didnt hatch the egg b4 the cave was locked. To put it in simpler, you think the cave of origin is a special place which would be great to hatch an egg in as a memo. But if the cave wasnt closed, it loses its "special", since people who see the hatched pokemon will simply know you done the last badge. If it was locked, and you hatched it in the cave, people will see the trainer memo of the hatched pokemon and go "dam dam dam why didnt I hatch an egg in the cave cause now it is closed!!!!!" Thats why, I think that it is your problem that you didnt hatch it before the cave was locked.


Well-Known Member
I really don't care about the Cave of Origin in Emerald. Didn't even know it re-closed. I don't even go to it in Ruby (when it is open all the time) and the only point of interest in the cave for me would be the gems. They look cool together. And I don't care where I hatch my eggs, as long as they hatch!
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