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My Mono Water Team


Well-Known Member
This is my mono Water team:

Item:Chesto Berry
Calm Mind,Surf,Thunder,Rest.
Kyuber pretty much sets up my whole strategy.Torrent + Swift Swim for Ludi and Kingdra.Plus Stab for water atcks.

Item:Chesto berry
Trait:Own Tempo
MV:Calm Mind,Rest,Psychic,Surf
I use Slowking King as My Blissey Counter.Since this is a mono team i have to find SOMETHING to counter it.

Trait:Swift Swim
MV:Surf, Ice Beam, Rain Dance, HP Grass.
Rain Dance is there for a backup in case Kyogre Dies.Surf for STAB , Ice Beam for Dragons and etc HP Grass for Water Absorb traits out there.

Trait:Swift Swim
MV:Surf,Ice Punch,T- Punch,Rain Dance.
Rain Dance for backup.Gave him some Elemental punches for more variety of atcks and Surf for STAB.

Nature:Hmm..not sure..im at school..cant remeber now..but it thinks it's modest.
Item:Chesto Berry
Trait:Suicunes trait..idk..
MV:Surf,Rest,Mirror Coat,Roar.
I'm not sre about this guy...don'tuse ti regularly...cuz i dont need it...but...it can help..Mirror coat is great...so is roar.

Item:Quick Claw
Trait:The Sandstorm trait...idk the name..
MV:Crunch,Aerial Ace,Rock Slide,Earthquake.
Straight up atcks.Aerial Ace to cover grass,bug...Rock Slide For STAB,Earthquake just cuz,Crunch for Psy and ghosts.
As you can tell he is not water,but my favorite pokemon...VERY helpful.

NOW,i know i can't use Kyuber and Suicune for Tournaments,SO i'm looking for replacements.im Thinking of Kabutops and Quagsire.
Item:The berry that ups speed..forgot the name...
Trait:Swift Swim
MV:Flail,Substitute,Rock Slide,Surf.

Nature:Not sure
Item:Not sure
Trait:Water absorb
MV:Earthquake,Surf, not sure abut the rest.Help is appriciated.
Thanks for your time.


[Pokemon] @ [Hold Item]
- [Move 1]
- [Move 2]
- [Move 3]
- [Move 4]

Better yet, File > Export to text if it's NB.

You can use Suicune for tournies I believe.
HP Electric > Grass on Kingdra imo.
Slowbro > Slowking.

A better Ludicolo moveset would be Surf, Leech Seed, Toxic, Rest, or a Rain Dish set but I generally find them to be inferior to the other kinds.

Calm Mind > Mirror Coat on Suicune.

Use Swampert, not Quagsire.

Btw, just out of general interest, you realise that Tyranitar is not water right ._.


I would learn Tyranitar the Surf since it's a mono water team.
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Josh trainer
Kyogre: Surf/Ice Beam/Thunder/Calm Mind @ Leftovers
Slowking is ok.
Kingdra needs Substitute.
Ludicolo: Leech Seed/Surf/Toxic/Synthesis
Suicune needs Calm Mind over Mirror Coat.
Use Tyraniboah. But it really ruins the point of a mono team.

Kabutops should have Endure, Flail, Rock Slide and Swords Dance.
As for Quagsire, use EQ, Surf, Ice Beam and Curse.

I would learn Tyranitar Surf since it's a mono water team.

I would learn Tyranitar the Surf.


Well-Known Member
Tyranitar conflicts with your team, anyway.



Lol @ Tyranitar.

Seriously, replace it with Vaporeon. It keeps the team alive with Wish and BPs Substitutes everywhere.


Well-Known Member
Yes people i do realize that tyranitar is not water ._.
Tyranitar deals great damage.it is there for backup.i Only use him in extreme needs.This team gave me 32 victories and 10 losses.I dont think it is BAD,but it does need some improvements if i wanna reach 100 vitories with less than 30 losses...
I've made some changes as yall sugested.Now i took out Slowking for Slowbro...Slowbro is slightly better.
Kabutops has the Endure moveset with him.
Now,Quagsire.Someone suggested EQ,Surf and Ice Beamand curse.Does make sense to make that you have only one physical atck and two special with curse.I rather use quag as a physical sweeper,so i kept Curse and EQ and im using Brick Break and Body Slam with..i'll see how that works out.
I'll also try out Swampert.Thanks for the help so far guys.

EDIT: I switched Tyranitar for Starmie with t wave ,t bolt, psychic , recover. I also need help with vaporeon.that would be great.. =~
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Vaporeon @ Leftovers
Trait: Water Absorb
EVs: 188 HP / 252 Def / 68 SAtk
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Substitute
- Surf
- Wish
- Baton Pass


Starmie @ Leftovers
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 36 HP / 220 Spd / 252 SAtk
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Rapid Spin/Ice Beam
- Recover
- Surf
- Thunderbolt

Imo. But if you're choosing between Vaporeon and Starm, then I would choose Vaporeon.