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My new sprite shop!!


Well-Known Member
I've sprited a long time ago, and I haven't done anything with sprites for a very long time. I'm going to try to get back to doing them. I'll take requests, like recolorings, mixings, animations (not really hard ones,) and anything else you can think of! I can also make images transparent. Here are some examples of my work (I do everything with Mircosoft Paint and Microsoft GIF animator):

This is the first 'big' animation I've done:

Other animations:

Please request, I'm bored!! ^_^
They're good and all, but sprite shops, banner shops, and egg shops belong in the Fan Art Requests section.


Well-Known Member
Here's some recolors I just did:

If a mod's looking, please move my thread! Thanks! ^_^
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There "Nifty", Can I Work Here, Look at The fusions In My Sig, They're By Me, Can You Please Give Me A Test


Well-Known Member
Here's some more:

A beldum back-sprite

My first try at a custom sprite, Blaziken

A Bonsly sprite by me.

Chikochu, a mix between Chikorita and Pikachu.

You can work here, Chaimee1. What exactly do you want to do? Take requests?

Btw, thank you for moving it, whoever moved it!
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I Would Like to do Fusions, Recolors, Trainer Morphs, Majestics, shadows and trainer cards


Well-Known Member
ilovchansey said:
Can i work here too.Im a good recolorer and mixer
Chaimee1 said:
I Would Like to do Fusions, Recolors, Trainer Morphs, Majestics, shadows and trainer cards

Sure, but no more people, 3's enough ^_^

Here's some more stuff:


Please start requesting soon!!
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Yay! Pit!
err... can you try a custon sprite of Charizard please? Thanks

BTW these sprites are cool *thumbs up*


Well-Known Member
I'm not taking any requests (even though I never had any that I finished...)

Instead, I'm taking requests to take your pictures and animations, and turn them into icons and cursors!

PS. Can a moderator delete every post here except for this one, and change the title to:
My Icon and Cursor requests!