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my newest scratches


Patience? Virtue?
here's a few of my newer scratches to go into my fake pokedex. Any design comments are appreciated, the last 2 are a bit rushed additional evos for r/s/e pokemon, but i think the absol one is very suited


Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
Relicanth evo is pretty meh-ish. All it looks like is a Relicanth with well. Extra fins. Maybe you should look at real pictures of Ceolicanth to get some ideas for it's pokemon version's fakemon evo, instead of just poorly editing a Relicanth .. into an evo.

The Absol one looks ... alright. Not great, but better than the Relicanth. But you can tell it's just a heavy Absol edit overall.

The scratches, well the shark looks a bit squashed, it's head anyways. And sword fish or dolphin, whichever, it's shading looks wierd. Like reverse pillow shading.