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My Not So Good Sprie Shop


Trix Trainer
I Can Make Some Sprites.

I Can Make Siamese Pokemon, The Quick Attacks, Recolors, And Fusions

I Am A Beginner And This Is My First Shop
Sorry But I Cannot Post Examples
Well looks like i'm your first costemer a fusion of persion and charizard base pokemon is persion.
sure.;001;,;152;,;252; and ;387;. is seimeis
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The REAL PaperNinja
Umm...I'm kinda new at spriting too, can I work at your shop?
Here are some of my sprites:
Saimese Trapinch:

X-mas color Wailord:

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The REAL PaperNinja
Yes, who do you think did mine. I can also do banners as you see below. I made this banner for our shop, put it in your sig.
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The REAL PaperNinja
Ok here
. Btw, I think were in different time zones. When you post I'm not there, but when I post your not there.
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