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My own Pokémon Sprite shop!


Well-Known Member
My own Pokémon Sprite shop!

Hello, here you can request me to do something with sprites.
Here's what i'm sure about that i can do:

1. Fusions (Making a mix of two or more Pokémon Sprites)
2. Recolors (Changing the colors of an Pokémon Sprite)
3. Turning Old R/B/Y/G/S/C sprites into S/R/E/FR/LG/D/P kind of sprites. Or Vice Versa.

I'd be pleased to get some requests. Already thanks.

Oh and btw, if you don't like how it turned out, i'll edit it, OR i'll restart it.
And i'm only accepting 5 requests (it'd be best if everyone asks for one request, and later, when i've done all 5 ask one again) at this moment. After i've done all 5 of them, i can make 5 new ones again. And i will first be making the request from the first person, then the second's, and then the third, and so forth. Oh and, if you'd want me tro try out another thing with Pokémon Sprites, you can just ask me, and i'll be trying, if i won't be able to do it, i'll tell you.

CutE PokemOn MastEr

-'cHar's mY BisHiE
could i request a recolor of charizard to color blue/ any shade of blue and make one look like it is in the SRE/LGFR/DP and another in RBY/GSC



Well-Known Member
Sure. But i'm not sure what your exactly saying. But i will make a Blue Charizard for you now. ;)

Edit: Here you go: .

I'll send it to you via PM too.
Last edited:


say. can you fuse me a swampert blaziken and charizard.

CutE PokemOn MastEr

-'cHar's mY BisHiE
cAn I reQueSt aGaIn

BlAziKen, SwAmpErT aND ScePtile FusiOn.........

BlazikEn BodY...SwamPert Head...ScepTilE Tail

THAnKS I N aDVance

PM mE If iTs DonE