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My Photoshopping Skills


Advanced Trainer
What do you all think of this?

Ball 8 Eye


Chocolate Demon

Grabbed by TV


Looking Out

Invisible Couple

Me In My Mouth

In and Out

Pizza Scare

Rock Rob

Stuck In TV

and just in case you're wondering, yeah, I do have too much free time!
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Well-Known Member
Ah, Ropa-to, your graphic design skill is decent, all those look real enough, keep it up, and about that mock up Nintendo magazine you posted here while ago, haven't you checked it lately?


Lol, these are great! My skills suck. See that banner in my sig?

I did it... ;-; Suckage.


Advanced Trainer
WoW! awsome! i would like to know how you turned yourself into a statue, i've been trying to learn how to do that! PLease do post your tutorials in the serebii tutorials!

Okay, turning urself into a statue is quite easy

with a image editing program like photoshop, etc

get pic of urself

make it black and white

make the background blank

select urself

find a image of a rock surface, big enough to cover urself

put the rock surface on top of urself and make it blend by layers>multiply or screen, adjust setting if nesscery (sp?)

merge the pic of urself and rock surface

cover your eyes with rock using clone tools

add bit of shadow around ur eyes to make it look round and 3D

find a suitable background

select urself, copy and put it on top of ur background

da dah! ur finished!

hope that's simple enough!