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My Piece of Art Depitcting SPPf members...




DISCLAIMER: No one was actually meant to be hurt in this, this just get the point across.
Josh helped me with Alfonso's caption =D

Celebi = Serebii
Blue/Shiny Mew = Shining Mew
Blastoise = GoldenNoctowl77
Stick figure at the top = Cayenne
Stick figure on the left hand side = CoolCatFish
Kingler = MS
Rabid Plusle = PsiUmbreon
Edward Elric = Edward Elric
Brown(ish) square = Jasmine
Pichu = LilyPichu
Target = RaZoRLeAf
Dratini = T3h S3x0r
The guy in the picture with the word 'HELLSING' next to it = Shadowfaith
Black Tikal = Dragonair
Amy Lee (I think) = Eternal
Scott (From the pokemon anime) = Alfonso
The two manga avatars side by side = Josh♥Jenni =D
Mew and Skitty = Mewskitty
Poliwrath = ~*Commander Blizzard*~
Houndoom = HoundoomTrainer
Venusaur = Leafgreen386
Groudon = Groudon80
Pentagram = Imperial Dragon
Duskull = Carpetted!
Yggdrasil (Pink wings guy) = Locke Yggdrasil
Vaporeon = Complete moron , Dewgong. He was the one that cracked me a while ago.
Cute Wolf = Wolf Goddess
Group of Idiots = Idiots at D&P forum
Sad Mewtwo = Hyper Chibi Absol
Victoreebell (can't remember spelling >_>) = Horn Drill
Muk = cl@mmysh@z@m
P-I-S-S = some random n00b troll
Bathing suit chick checking out Brawly = Phantom Bugsy
Little Parrot with beer = Tropical Spirit
FEMALETeam Rocket Admin with Charmander: Team Rocket Admin
Thanks Josh for the initial list of people.

Opinions from Articuno and -Josherific-:

night enscriber (9:47:12 PM): Ah ha, it's done
idiot americaaa (9:47:17 PM): almost
idiot americaaa (9:47:21 PM): still touchin' up
night enscriber (9:48:05 PM): XD Jasmine
idiot americaaa (9:48:17 PM): comedy value?
night enscriber (9:48:28 PM): Yesh
night enscriber (9:48:31 PM): I like it alot

moogleincjosh (9:49:32 PM): XD
moogleincjosh (9:49:39 PM): yyou make that? XD
idiot americaaa (9:49:46 PM): does it 'capture the point'
idiot americaaa (9:49:47 PM): yes
idiot americaaa (9:49:49 PM): XP
idiot americaaa (9:50:09 PM): still touching up
moogleincjosh (9:50:10 PM): XD
Opinions? Does it "give the point"?
If it made Jynxo laugh, it must be good =D
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Perfect Darkness

XD. Still love Jasmine. That really captures the true inner workings of Serebii if I do so say myself. *applauds* It's hilarious



Oops...that was a thumbnail...

Thanks for the comments, keep em coming

Black Widow

Well-Known Member
The one with Cay is pretty funny...
I have never seen Cay post, or have seen her on however, so I don't know how she really acts.


Oddish plzkthnxbai
The updates are awesome XD


Ilex said:
The updates are awesome XD

I might make more members, if they come to my mind =D


Ok, time to put a disclaimer up.
No one was actually meant to be hurt in this, this just get the point across.
In case I get angered people x_x


No, you made me laugh! Though now even more people will think I'm on idiot XD


I know.
I'm just saying, I should.

So far, everyone has gotten a laugh,
Even Jynxo.