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My Pokémon Mystery Dungeon fan art piece


Beginning Trainer
My Pokémon Mystery Dungeon fan art piece

I originally did this for this year's Camp Hyrule.

From concept to finished product this took about six to eight hours, more or less. I was up pretty late so the background did get not as much thought and effort put into it and as I would have liked.

Perhaps one day, I'll go back, take my time and do it all over to make it look better. ;476;

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Coolness, you definitely have some artistic skill.
The only real problem with this drawing is the use of black lines to show Totodile jumping. Those are unneeded and distracting because the viewer already knows what it’s doing, so there is no need for them.

Also, compositionally, the overall drawing does better in a horizontal format rather than a vertical. Because right now, it feels rather cramped whereas a horizontal composition would give the drawing much more open space.

Hmmm…you made the clouds looks realistic but the water cartoony. That kinda goes against the piece because now the water looks like slimy blue goo. For me, I would prefer if the water was also slightly more realistic (but not too real). That would make the Pokémon themselves stand out more.


Little Horn
okay first off, YAY. someone posted some actual fanart! ^_^ *so happy*

this i very good, and i like it allot.

a few things wrong. i can tell your sorta young. as youve got some talent but you have lost some concentration on some parts.

first off, pikachu doesnt look right, like a deformed ditto
he has a more sharper face and pointier features

tododile, has no water coming off him, cynaquils nose is sorta funny.
treeckers expression doesnt seem to fit, and pellipers right wing is wrong.

overall this peice is still quite amazing. i really like the composition :p


Beginning Trainer
I agree with pretty much everything you said, aragornbird, especially the water. As I said before, the background didn't get the attention it needed and I did the water somewhat quickly (I was trying to meet a deadline). Nonetheless, it does look "gooey." I think the color could be lighter, too.

I understand what you mean about the composition but I don't know if I need to change the composition completely. I still want Totodile to be fairly close to Cyndaquil so Cyndaquil's reaction makes sense. Rather, the field could be widened slightly horizontally so things could be a bit more spread out. Alternatively, I could reduce the size of all of the Pokémon and spread them out a bit.

On the other hand, it might work in a horizontal format if I arrange things differently, although that's probably obvious and the point you were trying to make.

The motion lines are a bit unattractive. When I was making them, I felt Totodile's actions would read more clearly with the lines and I even tried to find a less obtrusive color. I just couldn't find the right color so I obviously went with black. I take another look at the picture without those lines to see if it works.

Thanks for the reply. I'll use your comments to improve the picture whenever I get around to it.


Beginning Trainer
How young are we talking, god-eater? I'm older than the age on your public profile, making this all more humiliating (for me, that is).

I can't remember if I didn't add the water on Totodile because it would be distracting or if I forgot. In any case, I could work that in if I try.

I agree about Pelipper and maybe Pikachu, but I thought Cyndaquil's nose is okay. Maybe you think it looks too curvy? I suppose Treecko's expression doesn't quite read as clearly as it should.

Thank you for the input. :)


Dragon Master
Very cute! You're a good artist!

Umi Mizuno

☠ one girl army
Heh, awesome! Cydaquil looks so cute clinging on to Treeko there. X3
I agree with what aragornbird said. The water does look a little cartoony but the sky is lookin' great from my point of view. Although, pikachu looks kind of....weird....i mean that Pikachu looks like it's gonna fall off. change the posistion of Pikachu and water to realistic looking and you're good ^_^.