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My Pokémon XD-arts


i´m a Manga-ka!
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Lovely May


I see professional pictures. The dude from your arts has very nice eyes, and Eevee is sweet^^ I see, details are important for you, its good^^ some artist aren't patient and sometimes they forget about details. Your arts are clear and ... hmm... I would like to draw like you.


AKA Snagger Outlaw

I love the colored pencil works. I want to see the eeveelutions in one pic. You are an amazing artist, damn I wish you had a talent jar. So you could put talent in and give some to me xD


Custom User Title
Those are excellent! I love the one with colored pencils. The shading is so good. It's like professional quality. o_o


The Compromise
These pictures are really amazing... *stares in awe* I can't draw for a million.

Master Ein

I must say I hate the XD charecter but thoses are excenlent


Contaminated KFC
That legendary bird trio pic would totally kick-ass if it were fully colored. Especially the Moltres, which looks...wow.


O.O WOW....YOU ARE AMAZING!! you colour just like a professional and your art skills are beyond...*speechless* awesome work!! ^^

Yoru Ryu

Ruddy hell those are good. I think i like the pencil coloured ones best though, they just have a nicer texture than CGed stuff... at least here anyway ^.^ Puts me to shame ;_;

Wolf Goddess

~Lupo Di Autunno~
...I can't find anything bad to say.

Seriously. The anatomy, the coloring...everything is beautiful.


Well-Known Member
You are amazing...please continue the comic. You are talented with this type of stuff. ^^

Ho-oh Lover

Well-Known Member
Wow... you have great skill with colour pencils, but I don't see them on your DA account! I really wanna but some of 'em on my faves ;)

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Silver Ryu

~Aqua Dragon~
Wow, these are really cool! Eevee is so cute! ^^ And I love the one with the birds. Keep it up!